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Everything posted by DisillusionedScot

  1. Awww, genius! Thanks ever so much for that. Much appreciated. She'll be starving by the time I pick her up and I know how much she dislikes air plane food. Nice one ;-)
  2. Hi guys, I'm picking up my partner from Perth Domestic this evening (10pm). Is there anywhere open nearby at that time of night on a Sunday to get something to eat? Cheers guys. Appreciated.
  3. WA is expensive. Stupidly so. The rest is quite expensive. If you've got a reasonable job then you'll be fine. If not, well, it could be tricky. Just assume it's going to be more expensive before you come and then you won't be so surprised when you get here. Except for WA, and no matter what anyone says on here, nothing is going to quite prepare you for that shock. Oh, and just read an article the other day saying that in fact Sydney is the world's 2nd most expensive city to live in. Amazingly the first is Mombasa... You'll get used to it.
  4. Hi thanks, money is a bit tight at the moment (not working and can't claim benefits), hence the need to find one who bulk bills. Looks like I may have to travel up to Port Kennedy. I've got quite a few prescriptions I need as well which makes things even more tricky, probably going to have to go up to Chemist Warehouse in Freemantle on Friday to get the meds cheaper. Alan
  5. Hi there guys, does anyone know of a GP who bulk bills in Mandurah or Rockingham? Need to get repeat prescriptions urgently. Thanks guys. Alan
  6. Hi there, many thanks for the reply. I'm fairly certain that I'm going to go for it, as you say, it's a good thing to have anyway. I've spoken to a few people in WA and it looks like being a similar situation as VIC i.e. short courses are possible. The Cert II would be nice but right now the license is the important thing. Not sure if I'll have to sit a theory test first though? Alan
  7. Many thanks for your comment, Much appreciated. I'm still thinking about it, just not sure if I'm brave enough to commit the precious funds though on what might be a bit of an off-chance. Will definitely take a look at the sites you've suggested. many thanks. Alan
  8. Let's be clear: I don't exaggerate and I don't lie. I stayed in Barque Place for 6 months and know the area well. Sure there is the occasional nice property, but the fact is Kallaroo is an older area with a lot of very, very dodgy properties. Take a walk up Maritana and look at he properties and you'll see lots of older and quite dilapidated properties. My statement about the roaches at the entrance to the school in the summer months stand - infested. As for the house: no, it didn't look to be infested when we moved in, only in need of a bit of clean - don't you understand that most rentals are cleaned up to some degree before viewings? And lets also be clear - if anyone else stayed in Barque Place they would back me up as well. Perhaps you'd like my partner to come on here and tell you about nearly being killed by a car port that fell apart and almost destroyed our car, nearly fell on her, or having to put nearly a dozen buckets out over the floor when it rained, or not being able to open the windows because the fly screens were supposed to be replaced by the landlord but never were, or not being able to sit ion the living room without bug spay by our sides? I could go on but frankly you're boring me with your defence of the indefensible. If you live there yourself then you have my sympathies, and if you like the area then you deserve what you've got. Enjoy. Oh, one last thing - why would lie? The area is a dump. Fact.
  9. That isn't in Kallaroo either it's West of Dampier Rd and it's in Kiernan Park.
  10. No I don't come from a Castle. I'm a Possilpark lad and proud of it so I grew up in poverty. I may have been poor, and still am - but I know how to keep a clean house. Kallaroo is a dump. Fact.
  11. What a numpty! That house is $1.8 million to buy - you ain't going to rent that for $450 a week! Let me clarify two things here: 1. Craigie is still a dump and you will *never* convince me otherwise 2. Kallaroo is split into two parts either side of Dampier. West of Dampier is very nice, agreed - but try getting a rental there under £1200 a week - *almost* impossible. Then there's East of Dampier (West of Marmion). What a dump. It's a cockroach infested, flea ridden end of the earth pit that should be flattened ASAP. How do I know this: I had the misfortune to rent a place there before I knew any better. More American roaches than I've ever seen in my life - and that includes staying in the hills both here and in Melbourne, giant ear wigs, you name it, it had it. No air con, windows you couldn't open because the fly screen had holes in them, and the back of the house being held up be ACRO Jacks! I remember walking past the primary school of an evening and having to walk in the middle of the road because the pavement was impassable with roaches - thousands of them. And that was a regular occurrence. That is Kallaroo.
  12. Hi there guys. Quick question: do you think there would be a demand for the services of a Hypnotherapist in Perth? I don't want to break the advertising rules of the forum by saying too much but back in the UK I used to have a fairly busy practice. The goal would be 15 patients per week - could there be much of a demand here? Opinions would be very welcome. Alan
  13. Don't. Look up No Birds... much cheaper, less hassle, good cars
  14. Hi there guys, I was looking for some opinions on an idea I've been thinking about. I've been driving for nearly 30 years back in the UK, lots of 7.5 ton experience. I was thinking about getting my HR license, White card and maybe forklift. Before I do that, and bearing in mind the likely expense of doing it, would there be much chance of actually finding any work? I'm 46 so not a youngster, but on the other hand I do have driving experience. I was thinking about maybe bulk runs Mandurah to Bunbury or Albany maybe? It's just an idea at the moment, any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  15. Kallaroo is a dump. Craigie is a dump. I don't know what kind of standards you are used to but *fact* $450 a week will get you nothing less than a roach infested dump. I've been there, lived there for six months and wild horses couldn't drag me back it. You're more than welcome to it. And I don't appreciated your insult.
  16. Drop me a Private Message and I'll pass on my partner's email address so you can have a chat with her (I've spoken to Cat and she's keen to try to help, even if it's just someone to sound off to). If you're not up for a public meet in Murphys then how's about a drink and some nosh 'round at our place (provided you don't mind two elderly dogs who've mastered the art of pretending their starved!). We came over here in January and honestly, we know exactly how you must be feeling. You never know, maybe if we put our heads together we can work something out? Nothing ventured?...
  17. Hey, just thought of something - if you have your dog grooming gear I'll give you your first job. Our old fella is nearly 15 and will need shaved very soon - if you're up for it?
  18. Mandurah is only moderately crap. Actually, it's a rather nice place all things considered and IMHO a far, far better place to stay than the Northern suburbs. I'd definitely prefer to stay up in Roleystone - but only if I could afford to buy. Any decent rentals up there will be outrageously expensive.
  19. Hey! We're in Mandurah. PM me and perhaps it would be worthwhile having a chat with my partner. It's good to have someone to talk to with a shared experience - trust me - we felt *exactly* as you do and we know what it's like. Mandurah may not exactly be in the centre of Perth but it's a decent enough place. As for the going home situation - I understand completely. You need to give it a little more time though. PM me and we'll have a chat and maybe the four of us can meet up in Murphys (the *Irish* pub on the foreshore) - nothing like a luke warm Guinness on a hot day!!!
  20. Totally agree, Joondalup, Currambine and the surrounding areas, all the way down to Mullaloo and Hillarys are full of Brits. Couldn't wait to get out of there. $450 a week will get you a roach infested dump in Craigie or Kallaroo with no air con and a party house next door for those interesting weekends that start at 4pm on Thursday and finish about 1am Monday morning. The Aussies will speak to you, but as for the Brits, ha! Forget it. We've moved South of Perth to get away from the Brits and the shopping mall culture and it was the best thing we could possibly have done. Joondalup is Perth's Milton Keynes
  21. Where to live in Perth, hmmmm, let me think, oh yes - Melbourne.
  22. You can buy Union Jack doormats here. I've seen them somewhere in Joondalup, can't remember where, but you can get them.
  23. I hold the Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and am a full member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists. I qualify for full membership of the Australian Society, so Insurance is the only issue.
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