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  1. that's our plan I think. I have a trip home for my sisters wedding anyway in October and by the time we get back, we will be eligible so the time will fly by for us (hopefully!) Looks like we are potentially moving at the about same time then Lucia!
  2. Such a tough decision for you to make for you. I really feel for you. For me, I have to go back to basics to make a decision. Make a list of the things that made you want to move to Aus in the first place, and why you hated it - a pro's and con's list, if you like...sometimes seeing your thoughts on paper can help you make the decision. Only you can know what is right for you. It isn't always the same thing your partner wants but once you know what you want, you may be able to see some sort of compromise. Good luck.
  3. I don't know what your oh is like Lucia, but since getting here, mine keeps adding more little targets haha! I hit the point where I spelled out to him that I am going and have stuck it out for him for long enough. I am very lucky that he agrees, but I do think you can keep adding these little targets and years will pass you by. Life is for living, not for just getting through. I know what you mean about mothers groups too - they have helped me enormously, but nothing replaces your own mum. I was sick after the birth and all I wanted was my Mum and one of her roast dinners!!!
  4. Congrats to you too Kirsty M and Lucia! It is such a difficult decision to make - and even harder with all those hormones swimming about lol!
  5. Hey everyone, I thought it was about time I updated - its been a while!!! I am now the very proud mummy of a little Aussie girl - she is 6 months old already (no idea where that time went!) I am still in Adelaide and have met some wonderful new friends through mum's groups etc, and really made the effort to get myself out and about, meeting new people, all of which has made me a little happier. My family have also finally worked out how to use skype so I have regulars chats with them all. It makes such a difference to see them in person! I guess the big bit of news is that we have finally made a decision. We are heading home - WOO HOO!!!! Since bubs came along, we now both really want our families around, so we are singing from the same hymn sheet - feels so good to both want the same thing - it means nobody has to make a compromise! We are working out time frames etc atm to see when will be best - I just wanna go, but hubby is a little more practical than me (fortunately). It will definitely be within the next 12 months. We are eligible for citizenship in November, so wondering whether we'll get that first and then head home early 2014 - it means the door is always open for us for the future then. I imagine thats the route we'll take as its the most sensible really.
  6. Thank you all so much for your input - its definitely given me some food for thought. You are all right - my OH is very supportive and we are talking through our various options to try and work out what is best for us. Never an easy decision. We are very lucky though, one thing we don't have to doubt is how we feel about each other - so it definitely isn't a case of who loves who the most thank goodness! With regards to what it is unsettling me, I guess I have not been able to build those strong relationships with friends here. I have a handful of friends who I am sure will help us out but in all honesty, I just want to feel settled again. Its probably worth mentioning that I know hormones are a bit up and down during pregnancy which is why I posted on here - not sure I totally trust my feelings right now and your advice is worth the world. Thanks :biggrin::biggrin:
  7. Hey guys, I've never posted on here before but thought this might help me to think through my dilemma a little more! I moved out here in 2009 with my Husband. I had a good life in the UK, but my Husband had the rough end of the deal - he worked over 60 hours per week and commuted half way across the country to work. needless to say he was miserable and thinking there was more to life! He wanted to move, and I agreed to it. Pretty much since day 1 I have suffered with terrible homesickness. I come from a large family and had great friends who I loved dearly. This move has far and away been the hardest thing I have EVER done. That said, I am a much more independent person now, and I have learned a lot but I'm still not settled here. Hubby loves it and plans to never go back if he can help it!! We have now found out we are pregnant. I stipulated before we moved that I did not want a family here - I feel I need the love and support of my family around me, not via Facebook or Skype. It's not that I don't like it here - it's ok at best I'd say. I guess my heart is in the UK, and I want it back. So here comes the dilemma... do I uproot us both, knowing that my Husband won't be as happy in the UK? He does say he'll move back for me but the head and heart are at war. Why should I sacrifice his happiness for mine? HELP!!!!!
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