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Posts posted by Jit7

  1. *Happy dance!*


    Received an e-mail from our CO 6:43am (South Africa time) asking for PCC and Medicals.

    I just picked up our PCC this morning and will be loading PRONTO!

    Medicals have been done, just need a letter from my wife's doctor and they'll be on their way!


    TURN US PINK PLEASE :ssign19:


    *Happy dance!*


    Congratulations!! Its been such a great week - welcome to the PINK Club


    You've got everything sorted so you'll probably get a grant very very soon

  2. You're probably right. I have noticed that cases like yours get quicker grants but not in all cases. I guess it depends if you are ready to leave or have a reccie trip within 12 months of your meds/PCC. Also, you don't want to do it too early incase you are one of few that get left behind for ages.


    My agent advised to wait for a CO allocation so I was a good girl and listened! I'm hoping I'm not too far behind you


    (i'm secretly jealous - lol)


    Congrats again

  3. Wow thats crazy!! Congratulations fatwu!


    I am pleased for you but what are DIAC doing??? There are so many people that are in the waiting room with much much earlier applications and are still patiently waiting. Surely they should be completing those first.


    Sorry please don't take my comment offensively - its great that you have a grant

  4. Great news everyone!!


    I have a case officer now - yippee :biggrin:


    My status changed to ABPF on Friday 11th but our agent got the email from our case officer this morning. They have requested police checks and medicals for myself and my husband.


    Congrats to those that got grants today.


    I'm so happy

  5. We have had our Visa granted!!


    Update to spreadsheeet.



    Meds Submitted: 28/04/2012

    Police Checks Submitted: 09/05/2012

    Visa Granted: 10/05/2012


    Thanks to everyone on this forum. We don't post much but do read a lot and follow other's progress. Congrats to all who have received grants and c/os this week!




    Thats great news. Good luck for your move to Oz

  6. Just checked my status online and I've not changed from processing commenced. As I am using an agent, the email will go to them first. As its been such a good week I thought I'd have a sneaky peek, but no luck yet!!


    Any more good news out there?


    How are all of you that got grants and CO's celebrating this week??

  7. Hi all


    Logging on to check whilst on holiday - sad i kmow. Hubby thinks i'm mad.


    Big congrats Sol2oz - you are finally pink. I actually did a little 'yay' here in my hotel room when i read your post. You must be so relieved to have contact from the co. YAY


    Congrats to oppyddrum and hmsmark too


    Great start to the week

  8. You might delight us with good news one of these days, Jit7. You too are one of the prospective applicants next in queue.:)


    I hope so - staying optimistic


    I keep looking at the list on the google doc and it's getting closer and closer to me. But don't want to get my hopes up too high in case I am waiting like Sol2Oz.


    I'm on holiday until Wednesday so not sure if I can check my emails until I return. I hope that when I'm back, there will be lots of good news posts to read.

  9. Please turn us PURPLE!!!


    I've had nearly all day to get over the shock but it still hasn't sunk in.

    Just after 7am this morning our agent sent us e-mail saying that she will upload our PCCs tomorrow now (I'm pressuming she was finishing her day) so I didn't expect to see anything today.


    At 9am my husband rang me from work asking if I've seen e-mails recently because I should.

    So I had look and I couldn't believe it - our agent saying in e-mail that she uploaded PCCs afterall and our visa was granted at 8.20am our time.


    And top it all up my birthday is tomorrow - the best ever birthday present. So we'll be celebrating in style tomorrow.

    Meanwhile I'm just enjoying the feeling (mixed feelings of happiness, excitement but it's also a bit scary, now the "real" work starts...).


    Thank you everybody for all your posts, it's been a great support reading your posts for many months now. Just don't stop!


    Good luck for everybody - hang in there, it will happen.



    Congratulations! And happy birthday for tomorrow. Great birthday present.

  10. We've got to stay positive otherwise we will totally lose it (more so than we have already!!)


    January???? Why can't they just go through the applications in order. Surely that is the easiest method.


    Well just got to wait some more.....................

  11. Well at least thats some news. It can't be too much longer for you.....fingers crossed!


    Yeah it is very quiet. I had high hopes for today so feel a little sad that no-one is posting.


    I hope tomorrow is better

  12. So the good news is turn me PINK got a case officer. The bad news they've asked for my ex husband to fill an extra form in giving permission for our son to go. They've already got a stat dec just concerned that I'm not gonna be able to get this done. He lives in south Africa, have no address or contact details for him. He's obstructive at the best of times. What should have been a happy day is turning out to be not so happy.


    :-( Jen x


    Hopefully I read correctly this time - so congrats on getting a CO


    I hope you are able to meet the CO's request. Is there any way that you can contact your CO and explain the situation?

  13. Lol jit7, I've not heard about a case officer yet, I'm just shocked that it will be my turn soon hopefully.......in fact, gonna ring my agent today see if there's any news!!!!


    Thanks anyway x


    Oops I obviously got over excited!!! LOL


    Waking up this morning to a grant and a CO for other PIO'ers made me read your post in the same way - I'm sure you won't have to wait very long now



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