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  1. Tried to do that earlier and spotted what the issue is, we've already uploaded 60 documents and reached the limit of of what you can upload via the site so she's been forced to email it by the looks of it. Still waiting for her to confirm she emailed it but she's been above board with me so far, just her "laid back" aussie style of dealing with immi is infuriating, especially as we've had to do this from Offshore and I've had to take 8 weeks off work. Not the same one as this ones initials are IA based in Perth. I already have my 457 (been on it for nearly 3 year) but we're trying to add my mrs on to it as defacto partner so we provided a tonne of evidence for the relationship as I've seen mates have a nightmare going for PR by continually being asked to supply further info as they didn't submit everything at the start and it drags on and on. It sounds like you've done the same as me, working holiday visa to 457? If that's the case mine took just over 8 weeks all in from the business renewing the SBS to being granted the visa, though the agent my work used at that time didn't bother telling us it'd been granted for another 2 weeks They're all hopeless.
  2. Not yet, wanted to get more info on this before going to her so she can't just make some **** up and fob it off. This is the exact same **** I've been getting from mine, she said she's done it and just to wait so it's looking like she's just fired it off as an email instead of the site exactly as you say. Getting in contact isn't the easiest at the minute, there's a delay due to the fact she's on holiday in UK for the last month+, currently waiting for her to reply to my email about this but I'll likely just upload the document myself today just in case. Pretty livid at the whole situation as I specifically asked her in April if we should sort out 457 insurance for my Mrs instead of sticking with her student one but she said leave it and only address it if immi flag it, if I'd realised it would potentially add another 28+ days to the application I'd have told her where to stick her advice. Cheers for the reply mate this is what I was looking for, because it's been 3 weeks already we're getting close to the 28 days to supply the info so if the agent's not done it yet I need to sort it, just needed to be sure it wouldn't screw anything up.
  3. Quick question that hopefully someone knows the answer to. Our application is going through an agent, submitted 21st May, 3 weeks ago immi requested we provide additional health info which we done immediately and sent it to the agent whom advised she'd upload it asap. Now I only just found out we could import the case to our own immi account to review, which I've done but in doing so I can see it's still sitting with "Information Requested" and I can't see any additional document uploads since May. If she emailed it to the 457@border... addres I gather this wouldn't show up in the online application? Additionally, if she did email would that definitely hold up the application because I can see in the correspondence from immi they specifically say don't email it as it could hold up the process. Any info is appreciated Cheers
  4. Don't know what to tell you guys, looking online you get sites saying if you're a backpacker you get all your tax back, others saying you get some back and others still saying you get none back. All I know is I was over the threshold by quite a few thousand dollars, still within the 15% tax bracket and every penny I paid was paid back to me minus the tax agents fee. No funny deductions or anything like that. This has been a similar case to other people I know on working holiday visas. But this is partly my problem no one seems to have a clue what's right for the 417 and there's even less info online for the 457 in regard to tax back.
  5. I finished my regional work about 2 months ago now, wwoofed on an avo farm and worked on a kiwi farm. I'd recommend WWOOFing as opposed to looking for farms. The place I found done a mixture of both you could wwoof on their property but they also ran a business supplying labour to a local kiwi farm so was the best of both worlds. If you don't need cash I'd go down the wwoofing route as every day counts, even if you're rained off/sick most places will sign each and every day off you spend there as long as you do a decent shift unlike a lot of the farm work. One word of advice I would give is avoid Lockyer Valley/Gatton in Queensland like the plague! I spent 3 days out there in a 3 bedroom house with 15 people doing 10 hour shifts on farms to find out it was cash in hand and none of it would count towards the 2nd visa, you can spend up to 4 weeks out there working everyday before you get a "legit" days work that's taxed. I'm an IT engineer myself and on that front you shouldn't have any trouble in finding work, easy way I've found is go on seek.com.au filter down to 3 month temp helpdesk jobs and you should get lucky. Otherwise, just note down all the main recruitment places and get in touch with them and they can usually sort you out quite quickly.
  6. I was wondering if anyone knows what percentage of tax you get back (if any) on the 457 compared to the 417 visa? I've had a search and I can't find anything specific to my situation so thought I'd ask. I'm currently on a 417 WHV and have landed a new job I started about a month ago. I've recently finished my regional work and my 2nd visa kicks in a couple months so I can work for this employer until August 2013. They are thinking about offering me a 457 sponsorship after the new year but this is where my "problem" comes in. I definitely want to take their offer but I'm not sure if it would be financially better for me to hold off until after June before taking them up on it depending if the visas have different stipulations in terms of tax. I done my tax return in July and I got every penny back I'd paid in tax, I've seen various contradicting information online in regard to how much you get back if you're here on the backpacker visa but in my situation I was a resident for tax purposes & over the tax free threshold yet got everything back. So I'm trying to work out if this would be the same case on the 457 as I'd be a resident for tax purposes same as I was on the 417 but still technically not a PR. Any info would be great, Cheers!
  7. If she's struggling that badly then I'd recommend she signs up for WWOOFING http://www.wwoof.com.au/ just finished my 3 months regional work through an avocado farm I found through the wwoofing book. Works by doing volunteer work for food/board so it wouldn't cost her anything except travel money. Some of these places offered paid work as well so she could get lucky.
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