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Posts posted by Johndoe

  1. 3 hours ago, Constance said:

    Wow. This is so helpful and so detailed which I love! 

    We will definitely take a look here. 

    I am wondering how long it will be realistically before we can buy. Do you know what the rental market is like in this area? 

    I'm aware rental market in Australia is significantly tougher than the UK but its been 10+ years since I rented anywhere. 


    Rental is tough everywhere atm. That said, from my experience, new migrants tend to get first shout as the realtors know that they're cashed up, won't trash the property, are reliable for rent, and are keen to get a foothold. Basically, migrants are considered to be top tenants.

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  2. 5 minutes from Sandgate Take a look at Bracken Ridge. Lots more town houses since I posted this review 6yrs ago and many of the older cottages have been sold and redeveloped as has the shopping centre. Bus and train to the city every 15minutes. Now also has a nice public pool and huge skateboard park. Also Fitzgibbon. A relatively new development bordering Bracken Ridge.


  3. On 07/08/2022 at 11:27, AltyMatt said:

    i crave a meat and potato pie or a Gregg's pasty.

    Suburban Woolies / Coles usually have a British food section with chocolates, soft drinks, tinned foods etc, and Aldi sometimes feature British food. Amazon have a wide range of British treats too.

    Meat and Potato pie is a killer for me. I never had one I didn't like in the UK and try as I may, I can't make my own to match. It would go well with the mushy peas I'm buying on amazon which are "chip shop recipe" unlike those sold by woolies and Coles and at $1.90 a tin I'm well stocked with them. Also getting my Bisto from Amazon at $6 unlike Coles and Woolies who have now upped their price from $6 three months ago to currently $8.50 although on special atm at $6.70

  4. 2 hours ago, Toots said:

    In my teen years I had friends who lived in the Garstang/Pilling/Fleetwood area.  We were all working in the Lake District and at that time there was a dance club at Morecambe pier where we spent many a Saturday night.  We knew a lad who had a Ford Zephyr and we used to all pile in that and head off to Morecambe for a bit of fun.  

    Strangely enough, I was driving a Ford Zephyr at that time also. They were renown for losing their bonnet (mine flew up on the motorway!) and you often saw them with luggage straps through the bonnet to the radiator grill or bumper. 😃I used to spend a lot of time in the Pilling/Cockerham/Glasson Dock area area either fishing or bird spotting. Lovely area.


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  5. On 30/10/2021 at 11:30, Jon the Hat said:

    We quite enjoyed Vigil on the bbc if you haven’t watched it.

    Nearly signed up for Binge on the strength of that programme but pulled in the purse strings before I did. No doubt it'll appear on ABC or a streaming network at some time or other just as Dr Foster did.

    I'm on the 2nd series of "The Bay" on Stan atm as I love to see the scenes of Morecambe where I used to fish almost every weekend when I lived in Garstang.

  6. On 17/10/2021 at 15:50, Paul1Perth said:

    I'll give that a chance as I like Nicola Walker, usually. Thought Unforgotten was really good and she was the main character, backed up by other good actors though.

    Don't bother! One episode was enough even though I like her. Anything where the characters talk to the camera I find extremely annoying. I've taken to streaming SBS despite the ads which are nowhere near as long as watching live. If you don't mind sub titles there's a lot of very good Scandinavian Noir programmes.

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  7. On 28/10/2021 at 15:48, Loopylu said:

    I thought that was one of the big pulls for most people moving to Australia is to have more land/house for your money and not living cheek by jowl with the neighbours.

    In my personal experience, it is better living closer to Midlanders than Queenslanders as people from the Midlands are more community minded and considerate of neighbours in terms of noise levels etc. I am married to an Aussie and have found that the local Qld born neighbours are not friendly and often can't be bothered to say G'day in passing.  They also don't care about noise levels and think nothing of lighting a bonfire when you have washing out.  If you say anything about this anti-social behaviour you risk verbal abuse at best or violence at worst.... and we live in a good area on 888m2.

    How many properties have you lived in that have Queenslanders as neighbours and how did you know they were such? I've lived in 6 properties in Brisbane and never had a problem with neighbours. Also, until recently backyard fires were illegal in Brizzy and even now only allowed if they aren't a nuisance or a current fire ban is in place.

  8. If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it.

    I have 3 sons back in the UK and two here so I'm always going to be torn, but the two here came as rug rats and as much as I miss the UK and my 3 older boys (they were in the forces when I migrated) my allegiance has to be to my two younger sons. They are Aussie through and through and although they are young adults and make their own decisions. I also have grandchildren here and there. if I were in a situation such as yours, I would try to put all thoughts of a return to the UK to rest.

    There have been many posts in the past from returned folk who have said that their friends and in some cases even family had "moved on" and things weren't the same. OTOH, there have also been many happy returnees. Myself, when I get what I call, "the moodies" I remind myself that it's simply the familiarity of my past that I yearn for and that the past is gone and it's the present and future that matter.

    • Like 6
  9. North Lakes can be a nightmare commute if you're heading for the city. It's totally "self contained" with regards to amenities but you only need a bingle on the access rd and you're buggered for the day. Lots of town houses being built in Bracken Ridge atm which is an easy commute and  Fitzgibbon has come  "en vogue" of late.

  10. On 22/08/2021 at 21:24, Wanderer Returns said:

     Would $40,000 for a single person, or $60,000 per couple be enough?

    I'm running a 4 bed home (no mortgage) and feeding two of us and paying all bills on under $30000. prior to one of my sons joining the navy I was feeding 3. I don't scrimp on utilities or food, and don't, and never have, taken any keep off my son(s). I run a fourby that's over 20yr old but prefer many short stay trips as opposed to long holidays. With what Qld has to offer I have no desire to travel further than within the state and perhaps a few trips to NNSW

    • Like 7
  11. I'm still running a Prado that I bought in 99 and it's just broke the 300,000km on the clock. Apart for the usual servicing, brakes etc, the only thing it's needed in all those years is new leads and the clutch twice. The timing belt every 150000 is the most expensive outlay as labour intensive. I'm hoping to get it to 400000 if I don't cash in my chips  first.

    • Like 6
  12. In my past experience of putting up PIOers on arrival and helping them find accommodation, new immigrants are likely to get first shout at a property lease as the agents know full well that you have money, are likely desperate to please, and are more likely to "behave," than someone who has been in the rental sector for a while and is looking because they have lost a lease, even if (visibly), through no fault of their own.

  13. 15 hours ago, Bobj said:

    Try for mangrove jacks, Kev, they are brawlers and have great eating qualities. Plenty in the Nerang River, around bridge pylons; so, they should be around in the Brissie area.

    I reckon the only way to eat tailor is to smoke them, same with blackfish.

    Cheers, Bobj.

    Always put 'em back Bob as they're a worthy fighting fish. Only ever kept one and that went in a tank. Couldn't keep up with feeding the bugger. We actually looked at stocking them but was refused a licence to do so.

    • Like 2
  14. Tailor straight from the water is my favourite taste but it doesn't keep more than a few hrs, or freeze well, and is crap from the shops. Fresh flathead is a 2nd but not the atlantic species sold in shops. Anything from a reef is quite nice but I'd give my right arm for a piece of halibut which is not available here.............texture and taste perfect

    • Like 1
  15. What Cal says. It only takes a minor bingle on the highway or North Lakes Access (only two ways in or out) and the commute becomes a nightmare. Contrary to it being nicknamed "Little Britain" (which seems to attract some migrants) only 8.5% were born in Britain and the majority are Australian born at 50%


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  16. On 30/06/2021 at 22:01, Marisawright said:

    No. The Australian aged pension is a benefit like the dole, not a right. It’s means tested so you only get it if you have too many assets/too much income. It’s meant to look after the less well off in their old age.

    Yup! I don't have any super as I've always been on home duties since coming to Oz and I have to rely on both my UK and Oz pension. I manage well enough as I don't have a mortgage and there's only myself and Jake to feed and my utilities have plummeted since Josh wet into the Navy.

    If you are claiming both in Qld you don't get the full pensioners discounts on rego and utilities though.


  17. 11 hours ago, Rossmoyne said:

    I am a long time member, probably12 or 13 years, and I agree with all you say Toots.   After all we are all different and have different views on absolutely everything.   However I have come to the view of late, that people who rubbish other's views so vehemently either are "trolls" and looking for a wind-up, or they are so upset, jealous, angry about a decision they have made that they cannot unmake, and they take it out on others.  Just a cranky old lady's view!

    Ditto to that................Just a cranky old fart's view 😃

    • Like 2
  18. Just discovered a load of Brit stuff on Amazon. Ordered 6 jars of my fave heinz sandwich spread, 6 jars of shippams crab paste, 4 boxes of Paxo, 2 jars of cockles, 2 Golden Fry yorkshire pudding mix, 2 heinz ploughmans pickle, and 2 atora shredded suet (can't wait to have some dumplings).

    Some of the stuff was a silly price but everything on my list was well priced and free postage

    Not British but ordered 8 packs of Lavazza mode mio coffee capsules (which came the following day) at $6 a pack when they're $11 in coles and woolies

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  19. 1 hour ago, Wanderer Returns said:


    Sunset at Currimundi Lake, a couple of nights ago. I'll try and get one when the tide's in next time.

    Used to fish it regularly when I had the kayak. Amazing how quickly it fills up once the tide turns. Nice high sandy banks and deep clean water where it breaks through. The kids used to love dive bombing there. Lovely pic.

    • Like 3
  20. Consider myself lucky that I never had the parent dilemma when I emigrated. My older 3 boys were all in the forces at the time and I rarely saw them anyway so that wasn't much of a problem either. Two of my grandchildren (from one of the latter sons) now live here so I'm blessed in that way. I feel for those who miss their loved ones though.

    • Like 1
  21. 16 hours ago, Toots said:

    There are some filthy, couldn't care less dog owners around.  Most are pretty good though.  Another lot that get on my nerves are the ones who do pick up and bag the dog poo then throw the bag on the ground!!  What the  *****  .............................  Too lazy to put it in the bin.  😡

    There is a bloke down the street that does/did this. If he thinks you are looking, he will bag it but the moment he's out of sight, he throws the bag into the bushes on the parkland. I collected and saved 5 bags then left them on his doorstep one night. Seems that he's got the message as there's no more bags in the bushes. <Big grin comes across my face as I think of him trying to figure out who left them> 😆

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