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Status Replies posted by Loopylu

  1. Keep up the good work  telling how it is. 

    1. Loopylu


      Thanks. You too! Unfortunately in Oz we live in an “I’m alright Jack” society that doesn’t look down at the shit floating just under the surface.

      At least in the UK there is a human rights act that acts as some form of check on the Tories’ attempts to do away with universal healthcare and observing international treaty obligations towards refugees. 
      The OP of the thread we were commenting on, who is one half of a young couple, needs to know facts such as if they have a severely disabled child while on a temporary visa they will never be allowed to settle permanently in Australia. If they become permanent residents but lose their job, there are no welfare payments in the first 4 years. I can’t believe people still want to migrate to Australia in light of the unwelcoming policies. Migrants are merely economic units to create wealth for the elite.  
      Enough ranting! Time for bed and then another day of working from home and going nowhere in soggy La Niña blighted Qld…. 

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