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Posts posted by NowPerth

  1. 'Just photographed this Kookaburra swimming in our pool. Must have spent around 10 minutes diving in and flying back out again.'


    Fantastic. I've never heard of them doing that and wouldn't have imagined it. Great pictures.

  2. Not too sure, but they look like cockchafer grubs. Witchetty grubs are as thick as a man's thumb and up to twice as long.




    Thanks Bobj. I'm off to google 'cockchafer', although I think I might find something I'm not looking for :wink:

  3. I love them on the barbie....the meat is so tender.


    Article this weekend in the paper about what an under-utilised food source they are. They should be a popular choice. Healthy, organic, cheap, tasty, low fat meat etc. But many Aussies still won't eat them due to what they call the 'Skippy effect'. People are squeamish about eating their national emblem.

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