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Posts posted by srg73

  1. Our feedback following 13 months in Brisbane.


    We left secure and well paid jobs in the UK after hitting my 40th birthday. Our families were well and we were lucky enough to be granted a 189 visa. We had obtained the visa to provide us options as our UK work life as becoming harder, lingers and less rewarding.


    We broke the news to our families, planned our arrival in Adelaide and continued to search for work. Bingo I hit the jackpot, an Australan company newly establishing in UK wanted to speak to me, met in central London and a dream position offered in Brisbane! A quick replan including changing of flights etc and we were off to Brisbane.


    Landed September 2014, fortunately have friends here who helped us establish quickly with work starting in 2 weeks. We had booked for 1 month temporary accommodation which was fine but small, found a long term rental although our moving got delayed meaning another Airbnb had to be found, this time Hamilton. Finally took possession of our Ascot property and now feel settled with our home contents delivered in November. This would have been a very difficult time if we had kids however we don't meaning we just had to cope.


    In February we were very fortunate to purchase a property in one of our preferred locations in 4006 being quite central. Unfortunately we bought with newly signed tenants meaning we still wait to move in however this is moving closer and closer day by day.


    Work hit the wall and I almost lost my job in February however despite an aggressive takeover and over 50% of staff being laid off, I held my position however the experience was horrible and confirmed time to move. Very fortunately I secured a position with another company in a highly technical position, less money, greater challenges but secure long term and a great place to work. Warning to all coming over, you are exposed when first coming over to possible poor employers, keep your eyes open.


    Devastating news in July, my dad suddenly and completely unexpectantly passed away.....an emergency flight back to UK which did us some good, tied down a few loose ends, made sure my mum was OK as best possible and said our 2nd goodbyes. Nice to see UK but nothing had changed and we were glad to land back in Brisbane, our new home.


    Now have a friend network, work is good and property secure however there have been some emotional and sleepless nights also. Things are settled now and we are loving the exploring of our surroundings. No home sickness and have a positive outcome.



  2. I have been stung by UK customs many times when buying 2nd hand records from USA etc. I have argued that they are 2nd hand therefore have already had local tax applied, they are 2nd hand and therefore should not be valued as new (even though their value is much higher) and asked tax be applied against price paid. No joy, always just end up paying and leaving feeling very sore!


    Money making and anti competitive!

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