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Posts posted by seraphim

  1. This seems like it would be straightforward but I thought I'd ask the forum.


    We started as PR holders and have applied for citizenship just after deadline (became eligible on the day but the info they wanted (dad's favourite colour, Mums shoe size etc) delayed us a few days, and so the current policy of freeze has stuffed that up a bit, so we are going to need RRV's in case we get an emergency call back to the UK or anyway for a holiday next year.


    My question is, we arrived (partner, child and myself) on 1 visa application. Do we EACH need an RRV now (i.e 3x RRV's), plus 3 x Fee's of $365, or do we do an RRV as we did the original PR visa, all as one family unit (Child is under 7), for a single fee of $365. 


    Would be great if it cost $365 rather than $1095!!!



  2. No one this affects can vote, so politicians are going to focus on the things that will earn them re-election from those who can vote them out.  Where is their incentive to fight for people without a voice in parliament? If/when those affected finally make it through the process in the future, the chances they'll then bother campaigning still for those still stuck in the system are slim I'd imagine. As migrants, ,this is incredibly frustrating given the time, , investment and commitment given so far to Australia, , and the desire to give more and integrate further/completely.  I assume it would be thrown out but who except migration agents who this must hit hard have the legal knowledge to take this on?





  3. 56 minutes ago, rammygirl said:

    Yes but they still have not communicated anything. Nothing since the automatic acknowledgement on the 20 th April. 


    Some information would be nice. 

    I thought this too so called them. As I said, official line is 'check the website'. But the person I spoke to did say explicitly that they have nothing to process new people against until new tests etc are sorted so even when the backlog of pre-20th people are processed, if there is no new test etc, there is no processing.

  4. 1 minute ago, whtzau said:

    so those applicants who fulfill 4 years PR requirement will also need to wait till this new rules passed parliament ?

    Yep, as they would still require the test, interview, English language test etc, none of which are in place. Until a new law is drafted, discussed, amended, approved, voted through to the statute books, and then AFTER that, a new test etc are created and a test provider commissioned etc, nothing will now happen. Not the employees fault at DIAC, but what on earth are they supposed to DO for the next 18 months? sit on their hands?


    it's a bit like saying "we're going  to change the law to make something illegal, but it's not in force, but don't do anything because you might break the law we haven't written yet". 


    Applications should by law follow the law IN FORCE, until they change it, and if it's so important, then they should priority change the law. 


    Just very frustrating, shows a level of federal incompetence and Malcolm's panic really. In comparison to state government, I applied for a working with children check, and got my clearance in less than 1 hour, plus the 15 minute wait at Service NSW.  Now THAT was efficient government! 

    • Like 2
  5. 28 minutes ago, Sheila said:

    No Idea, May be there are people but DIBP is not looking on applications on 20 or afterwards until rules are more clear and approved. These applications are apparently now just "Frozen". Just a limbo position, very sad.

    Confirmed. Just been on the phone to immi, and received their official "unofficial' can't say but.  They were very honest. Regardless of application (i.e we are 4 years PR and British citizens very straightforward etc) nothing is going to happen to ANY post 20th application until new laws are discussed, drafted, new tests pledges and exams made and tested, so for anyone 21st and later , look at 2 years not 8-10 months, just for the government to pull it's proverbial finger out.  


    Can we get a slow hand clap for Turnbull and his knee jerk panic about being ousted as leader!

    28 minutes ago, Sheila said:




  6. No, definitely not.  BUT


    If you have no local experience (or academic only and not practical experience), it is CRITICAL to not just list a lot of 'facts'.  The recruiters already know the law/system/role requirements they are looking for.  What is crucially important is to relate the experience YOU have to what they are looking for.

    so, rather than "I know about IT" (rubbish), or (I use MS office) (just as bad). If they want someone to know a particular skill set, and you CAN learn it but currently use something else, explain how what you know fits their requirements, so "I currently use X applications in my work to do Y, Z, and am able to transfer this skill to the (system the advert is looking for), as there are parallels between this package (X) and your package (A).  Or something similar. It shows the applicant has looked at our needs, and their skills, to see what they can offer the company in return for salary, training etc.  I would not exclude someone who didn't have local experience, IF they made the experience they DID have relevant to the role. I would exclude someone who HAD experience but was too lazy/stupid/applying above their competence level, to translate what they knew into what we needed.


    One last thing:

    Generic CV's.  These are great for cluttering up the bin. If you don't tailor a CV, the reader can tell, and away it goes.  Life is too short to employ idle people!.  By all means have a few CV's for different role types, BUT make sure you spend even a few minutes customising each one, it will pay off in terms of getting to the interview stage.


    Another last thing. Don't just say 'see resume'.  If you can't be bothered to fill in the application, I can't be bothered to read your CV!

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, OZnewbie said:

    I do not totally agree or disagree with you that it's not 'normal' in Europe. It may not be normal in the sense that it is not mandatory, but I've been in the recruiting industry the Netherlands at one point in time and the CVs which did not have a photo would be placed at the bottom of the pile as 'backups'.. Having also been involved in supporting Executive Management in the past and having insight into their interview process, CVs with a picture gave insight into how much pride an applicant takes in their professional presentation so these CVs would be favored as then the management would not feel like they waste time with someone who although may qualified, but would turn up looking like a total mess and hence would not be suitable for a client facing role. 

    I have a suspicion you'll find yourself open to a fair work case here by  discarding on that criteria, but up to you.  What I know is, having recruited 8 times in the last 2 months for professional level roles, I question the thought processes of a someone who thinks a photo is appropriate. I want to know about experience, application of knowledge, and skillset.  I'd rather people be able to spell and proof read than look good in a head shot!


    And, having come from Europe, I never needed to put a photo on a CV OR knew anyone else in 14 years who did either.  In fact, I got both job offers via Skype interview when I moved out here, so appearance is irrelevant, but maybe it's industry dependant. I've just never heard of it being a wise idea in a professional environment.

  8. From personal experience, buy a berghaus spirit 70 (google it, two hits come up for gumtree uk in the first page).


    Mine has done 5 or 6 overlander trips, plus holidays, validation trip and emigration, 3 of which were RTW.  Still looks new.  More importantly, the straps fold internally like a suitcase for no damage in transit AND pockets are all internal for no sneaking things in whilst you're not looking or stealing things from them either!.  70L is huge so you'll never need it full, and don't take more than 10-12kg backpacking, you can and will buy what you need where you are mostly! With back issues, pulling a wheeled bag will be worse than a decently balanced rucksack. 


    Have a great WHV trip!




    • Like 1
  9. Stayed up last night to complete and submit our application, here's hoping there's no unnecessary delays on it, as ours should be textbook straightforward!  Only time will tell, but from a conversation with immigration yesterday, they are still business as usual in terms of processing until they get told there is a new way! 



  10. Is there a link to an official government statement saying they are stopping ALL citizenships?  I'm british, happy to do another English test or enhanced interview etc etc so sirely dipb arent just downing tools for 7 months?  Couldn't apply as didn't know until turnbull opened his mouth what rot he was going to spout next to appease his right whingers (not a typo!)

  11. We became eligible on april 19th so only started the online application then, but we have had PR since the start, and meet the 4 year residence requirement.  Does this mean our application will now be frozen when we make it?  It'd be really annoying to have to pay for an RRV when our 5 year PR travel authority expires just to go on holiday seeing as we've not gone away since arriving for this very reason!


    On this thread someone said all applications for citizenship are now frozen (Wombatinabox), does this include PR holders who have been here 4 years?  . Where was this information from, or is it just scaremongering at this stage?


    ALSO, my last question was when completing the online version of 1300T, do I need to scan in my certified copies signed off before this step,  or does this wait? Do I need a UK police clearance cert at this pint or once the application is made?

  12. So what happens with those children who have medical contra-indications that show a particular vaccine may well do more harm than good? I am not talking about the autism issue, I'm talking about children suffering long-term conditions which cause the immune system to be compromised, and thus to whom any ingestion of vaccine material may well cause more harm to an already lowered disease resistance. Many children already suffer a restricted lifestyle due to their conditions. Must they now be isolated from all other children?


    There must always be a clause which protects children with lowered resistance, to whom one vaccnation can have serious implications, or even be fatal.


    There still is, and always will be, a clause in the requirement to vaccinate that exempts GENUINE medical contra indicators. Not the 20 minutes of google the antivax brigade state is 'research', but actual medical reasons, of which there are a few. THAT'S THE POINT! vaccination for all will protect THOSE people who CAN'T be vaccinated! The disease should be kept away from those children as they would have a harder time of it, so surely it would be to the benefit of such children to require vaccination of their peers?


    It's not complicated.



    Listen to the whole sentence as Turnbull stated it 'all children who CAN be vaccinated should be'. NOT "all children will be".


    The risks is some quackery where people claim their child has some immune disorder and they don't, but become a carrier which kills a genuine immunocompromised person.


    p.s, a load of nurse immunisers, combined number of vaccines given, somewhere in the region of half a million vaccines at a rough estimate. NONE had ever seen, or knew a colleague that had seen, an adverse reaction. They are rare as hens teeth, they do occur, but infinitesimally small, and of that small number, an even smaller number are serious reactions! Far less than the equivalent group would be if the diseases were left unchecked. and NO fatalities!


    I'd be more concerned about zostervax when I'm 70 to be honest!

  13. It's scary to think that your child could die as a consequence of other parents choices. Brutal actually.


    This is always what it's about. The choice to drive the kids to school still under the influence so you're not 2 minutes late for the gym, the choice not to put the pit bull on the lead 'because he's just a big softie really', the choice not to vaccinate your children. It's amazing how much your life is in the hands of other people all the time, control is very much an illusion, as it requires everyone else to think too, and a lot of people don't.


    VERY few people genuinely have that choice taken away through external circumstances such as immunocompromising illnesses like leukaemia (thankfully), but they still deserve protection.


    Vaccination is a necessary part of life in a modern global congested world.


    I'm looking forwards to the springing up of illegal childcare centres where they fraudulently claim Centrelink (we don't want your dirty vaccines but please inject my bank with cash!).

  14. I hold an Honours in Chemistry from the University of Delhi, I have come to Australia for the Mater of Environment, after completion of my course will i be able to land a permanent residency or not, given that the Environmental health officer has been removed from the skilled occupation list, if not possible could you suggest me any alternative programs that could give me the opportunity to get a permanent residency.


    Master of Environment won't make you an EHO, you need to do a recognised course, and then obtain several years of experience as an EHO in order to meet the requirements, but at present it is removed due to enough domestic talent according to EHA. Qualifications without experience are unlikely to assist in residency or in securing a role. I'm sure it's not impossible, but what are your reasons for completing a Masters in Environment (environmental what, engineering, health, safety, planning?) as this will tell you your fields and what the job prospects/visa options might be in them.


    Good luck regardless.

  15. Yes, apply, it's a no brainer.


    Do what is right for yourselves. If you don't obtain citizenship, you will close the door after a few years and be unsettled in the UK IF you do decide to move back, because you will have at the back of your mind the 'if we don't return to Aus soon we won't be able to" niggle. Having the door always open via being citizens might put the ghost to rest, or when you're old and wrinkly you might retire to the sun?


    if you've had 3 years here it should only be another 12 months before you can apply (check Diac but don't go on overseas holidays to ensure you make the time requirements etc.), depending on LG area, it might take a few months to process but it puts a pin in it, no need for visa/rrv/stress etc and if you have kids they get it too, giving them a future/options.


    TL:DR - get citizenship before leaving.

  16. I have friends with young kids in the UK who, when I've mentioned my daughter having the chicken pox vaccine, said kids in the UK don't get it.

    Whooping cough lasts 10 years.


    Just to clarify pertussis vaccination give you around 4 years. it's not as efficacious as the others in the combined DTaP or TDap vaccine and is mostly the accelular for kids, you might get a little longer for the whole cell as an adult, but still looking at around 71% effective after 1 year down to 34% after 5 (which is why pertussis outbreaks come in 4 or so yearly peaks). NB Blossom not having a go, just recently had to do a case control study on vaccination efficacy for pertussis, lots of the info for the combined vaccine does state 10 yearly boosters I agree!) :)


    pre 1965 I think they assume you've had measles but varicella wasn't included, and the vaccine is believed to give better reinfection resistance to shingles in later life that natural antibody generation for chicken pox anyway.

  17. Doesn't matter how much money they're offering. My son's already got autism probably as a result of having the first MMR jab. No way he's getting the booster. They claim of course that the onset of autism at the same time as the jab is only a coincidence but there is no way I can risk a second coincidence making his condition worse.


    The MMRv as it is, is a booster jab that works by ensuring the T cell response has taken (that is the patients cells have correctly formed memory cells to the disease antigens and can replicate them quickly). They are spread out exactly as they are because lots (and lots, I have had to read it!) of research has shown parental immunity as well as the rate at which antibodies to the relevant antigens dissipate from the body must reduce in order to stimulate a true T cell response to form these long lasting memory cell effects.



    No, just, no. Autism happens to manifest at a level it can be detected a the same time as the current schedule advises MMR. MMR has nothing in it than could possibly 'cause' austism. The 'Doctor' who wrote this falsified his results and was struck off (do you realise how hard/serious it is to get struck off, even Harold Shipman didn't get this!). Andrew Wakefield in all likelihood has been responsible for more child deaths due to infectious disease from this one lie than any other person in human history.


    You have vaccinations (and diseases) all through childhood, it is only MMR than has fixated the human psyche due to the false legitimacy of a now refuted paper. Why would people not think it's something they were exposed to instead environmentally that cause their genes passed on to have a 'defect' that resulted in autism instead? because of the MMR paper!


    Not vaccinating because of a lie makes no sense at all. Whilst I disagree ethically with punitive punishments for children such as fiscal burdens for not vaccinating, I also see disease spread to innocent people from a lack of complete coverage providing herd immunity (measles has an Ro of about 18, meaning everyone who can, has to be vaccinated to protect those who can't) compared to other diseases, it's incredibly virulent. I wish there were another way to convince those who believe the lies of the value of vaccination.

  18. google uk travel clinics, they should be able to help (although might require travel to an urban centre for a consultation ($$$$) (sorry, no pound sign over here!).


    Easy enough to get here (you may have to pay as an adult, state dependant though) but its the catch 22, can't get in without vaccine, can't get vaccine until arrival! What job is it for?

  19. Greetings All


    I'm in Australia on 600 for past 2 months and I want to submit my EOI for 189 and/or 190. I have these questions:


    1. Since I'm in Australia on Subclass 600 visa for past 2 months. Now my company is converting my visa into 457.


    Can I include these 2 months in my local experience(since 600 is not a work visa)?

    If I include it, can there be any implications in my PR application?


    2. 1+ years local experience gives you 5 points. But if I submit EOI for 190 and/or 189 before 1 year(since I do not want wait for 1 year), though I get 0 points, but will I get some preference/consideration (for having 457 and already working in Australia).


    3. After a person obtains citizenship. Can he leave Australia for an indefinite period and come back after, say 10 years?


    Please provide your feedback team. I'm really looking for directions.





    So you worked on a tourist visa, and want to declare that to DIBP? You obviously know you breached your visa rules already by working on a tourist visa, what field are you working in? Probably best to ask an RMA for advice on what to declare to immigration, I'm told they take a dim view of using tourist visas to work on.

  20. Send them to school.

    want to make friends? you'll do it with other parents nearby at first in the same position as you.

    Want to integrate? you'll do it through your kids!

    Want the kids to settle? let them make friends with whom they can play during the school holidays and not just be knocking around with you for months getting clingy and attached making next years school a much bigger wrench (you will thank me for this, or at least, save a fortune on alcohol!)

    Cost are negligible and curriculum is different, get them integrated and into routine so it's 'home' quickly.

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