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Posts posted by amibovered

  1. 46 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    And the relentless years of right wing propaganda  by the Tory press has softened peoples understanding of what benefits there are in a Labour govt, there has always been a cultural and economic gap between London and the North even back in my childhood in the 50's in a mill town on the edge of Manchester the gap was infinitely bigger than today, so what has changed, the relentless attacks by a right wing press.

    Yeah, brainwashed, that's the problem.

  2. 16 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    I posed a question and you choose not to even engage and simply guess at what my voting intention is rather than consider the points made, just because I question how a working man can support the party of capital doesn't blind me to the faults of the left leaning parties, it's just that I'd rather live with those defects than the avarice of the party for capitalists.

    OK, the working class people won't vote for Labour because, they think they represent a London based liberal elite and do not have the same aspirations as them, they don't believe they are competent to govern the country and they don't want the children of today to be paying off Labours debts for the rest of their lives. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    What it tells me is that messages about self interest and individualism are stronger than messages about community and joint enterprise for everyone's benefit.

    Which one do you prefer.

    What it tells you is not the point, you'd vote Labour no matter what.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    I still find it incomprehensible that working people believe that their best interests lie with a party that represents big money and exploitation of the working man and woman and whatever they say always will do.

    How easily peoples allegiance is bought with promises " that you too can enjoy the benefits of the rich" membership of the golf club, access to the Club and the Masons, whilst always never quite being part of the real upper classes, always just being outside the real "in" crowd, always voting "the right way" for  the "right kind of chap" but never being " the right chap", and all the time having to pay through the nose for the privileges of the upper classes, the private education, the tutors, the private healthcare, the right motor, the right address in the right suburb, the charity auctions and the charity balls.

    Always trying to break into the next micro layer of English society, always playing a part, always looking for someone to look down on and making  it their fault for why you're not quite as rich as the club captain.

    A life spent trying and never quite making it, always needing a scapegoat and what for, just to feel superior 


    Doesn't that tell you something about the Labour party?

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Collie said:

    Next Taoiseach (PM) in Ireland is to be the openly gay son of Indian Immigrants.  Quite proud of that and shows how progressive Ireland is becoming.



    Whatever next, a female maybe? 

  6. Quote

    Jeremy Corbyn can’t rewrite his reprehensible IRA history


    This election campaign should have been a non-stop humiliation for the Labour party.

    Instead, we have witnessed an uncertain Theresa May make a mess of her campaign, while Jeremy Corbyn has proven to be a cannier politician than expected.

    There is so much mud to throw at him that he should have drowned in it long ago. Why has a supposedly “peaceful” man associated himself with so many extremists? Were his engagements in Iran and Gaza compatible with his apparent quest for world peace? It’s remarkable that a friend of Hamas, who took money to appear on the propagandistic TV channels of the Iranian regime and sympathises with every anti-Western cause, should not have been politically destroyed.

    His support for the IRA alone should have sunk Labour. In the 1980s, as the this ruthless mob murdered, kidnapped, assaulted and tortured people, Corbyn and his allies – including Diane Abbott and John McDonnell – supported the cause and befriended terrorists. The possibility that we might have a chancellor who once said: “it was the bombs and bullets… that brought Britain to the negotiating table”, or a home secretary who said that “every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us”, is madness; a sign of these unstable political times.

    Corbyn has proven capable of quite remarkable levels of cynicism and dishonesty, best exemplified by how he explains away his longstanding support of the IRA.

    This is so important because among so many unpleasant truths about the man, this sickening display skewers the Corbyn myth.

    When he lies about every single allegation regarding his IRA affiliations and sympathies, he is relying on public ignorance of the details.

    When he says “what I want everywhere is a peace process”, he knows he has an army of dogmatic devotees enraptured by his personality cult who will propagate the lies on social media. To the young he comes across as sincere and feeds their anti-establishment sentiment.

    His allies portray him as a “straight talking” decent man who is heralding an age of “honest, straightforward politics”. It’s a barefaced lie. He cannot be allowed to get away with this.

    A week after the Brighton bombing, Corbyn invited Gerry Adams to the Commons.

    Ireland’s Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said that, according to the evidence he has seen, Adams was not only an IRA member, but sat on its army council.

    Corbyn was later arrested while on a pro-IRA protest at the trial of the bomber who had killed five people and injured a further 31. He also wrote for and supported a socialist magazine which gloated about the bombing and threatened Margaret Thatcher with further attacks. Corbyn clearly supported the means as well as the end.

    The Labour leader was “happy to commemorate all those who died fighting for an independent Ireland” at an event organised by Republican leaders in London’s Conway Hall during the 1987 general election. Corbyn has shamelessly lied that it was a meeting intended to honour victims on both sides. It wasn’t – it was to commemorate the Provos who had attempted to blow up a police station before being killed by the British Army. This meeting was held just months before an IRA bomb killed 11 people as they gathered around the cenotaph on Remembrance Day in Enniskillen. Still, he did not renounce his support.

    Even Labour sympathisers found it hard to stomach Corbyn’s infatuation with the IRA. A 1996 editorial in the left-leaning Guardian, of all places, denounces his “romantic support for Irish Republicans” and states unequivocally: “Mr Corbyn's actions do not advance the cause of peace in Northern Ireland and are not seriously intended to do so”. People weren’t fooled at the time, in the same year that the provisional IRA – for which Corbyn was still making excuses – set off a bomb in Canary Wharf that killed two people, injured over 100, and caused £150m worth of damage.

    Corbyn is now attempting to rewrite history and portray himself as an integral part of the peace process, saying that his role was “supporting a process which would bring about a dialogue”.

    How strange then, that Corbyn opposed the Anglo-Irish agreement and lobbied the government on behalf of IRA prisoners. Stranger still, why did neither Corbyn nor McDonnell ever engage with the opposing side to their ideological kindred spirits in the IRA?

    For the truth, we need to listen to the real architects of the peace process who insist that these men had nothing at all to do with it.

    Former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, Seamus Mallon, said “I never heard anyone mention Corbyn at all. He very clearly took the side of the IRA and that was incompatible, in my opinion, with working for peace.” Sean O’Callaghan, an ex-IRA terrorist, said Corbyn “played no part ever, at any time, in promoting peace in Northern Ireland”, and any suggestion otherwise is “a cowardly, self-serving lie”.

    Cowardly and self-serving: fitting words for Jeremy Corbyn, who has exposed himself as an unscrupulous liar with a warped moral compass.


  7. 40 minutes ago, Collie said:

    I still think the tories will win but there won't be the landslide that she hoped for.  If her majority is less than 50 she will be under pressure.

    I think that would be a good result for them, 5 years and an increased majority, if they get one that is.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Collie said:

    Corbyn the winner with the audience too which was 1/3 tory, 1/3 Labour and 1/3 undecided.  A lot of shaking of the heads with May's answers, 1 bloke even mouthed "that's bollocks" caught on camera to an answer.

    If the audience is a barometer, it could be a lot closer than people think.

    Get your bet on, the bookies are giving 7/1, put your house on him.

  9. May is not comfortable in the public eye, Corby seem much more relaxed, as he should be, he's got nothing to lose, as to who will be the best PM, probably May for me, wouldn't be bad for our democracy if the Tories didn't have a huge majority though.

    ps, if you think Corbs will win, bet your house on him, you'll have eight houses by the end of next week.

  10. 1 hour ago, Pura Vida said:

    No word on the Portland (OR) nut job that cut the throats of two men over there that came to the aid of two Muslim women who were being abused. A third wounded. Very selective indeed in your feigned horror of attacks on innocents.

    Why would there be, other than to try to deflect attention from the mass murder of women and children in Manchester.

  11. It's a mess. on one hand I'm furious with the stupidity of the permanently offended who will insist we close our eyes to the fact that, by far the biggest threat comes from within 5 percent of the population, and would have us needlessly waste resources so as not to offend someone, but also it clearly would be wrong and unfair to demonise everyone in that 5 percent, what is the answer? well I would say it's time to be honest an say the problem is not the Islamic community, but it does come from within the Islamic community, I wouldn't expect to hear that from a politician anytime soon though.      

    • Like 5
  12. 16 minutes ago, Parley said:

    If your own doctor believes you require urgent treatment it would get done quickly.

    In your position I would be getting my doctor to makes sure it was done quickly.

    thank you for your concern, as it happens we were heading back to the UK shortly after that so I saw a neurologist here, probably been in there for over 50 years he reckons, but any sudden or severe headaches I should head off to the hospital, probably good advice for most people I'd say!!! 

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