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Posts posted by flatpack

  1. How do you know he started at 16 he does not say. He could have done something before becoming a carpenter? My dad has been a taxi driver for 20 years.... but he was a truck driver for 10 years before that?



    I can only say that "IF" is a very big word! The OP did confirm what I suggested after you posted too :)


    Rickyboy, I hope the other advice is useful to you. I had a similar thing, subbie on and off for 20years with periods of PAYE and periods of doing my own work. Basically just doing whatever it took to earn the best money I could.

  2. I have oz citizenship but I will just have to get a duel passport. I want to go back for 6 months or longer my only worry is that if I don't like it over there and come back all of my friends will have moved on or not have time for me. I am such a worrier haha :/ thank you for your reply :)


    They aren't real friends if they would do that. I now live on the other side of the planet to most of my friends but I know without doubt if I went back we'd still be friends.

  3. 18 minutes eh, not bad for your world to fall apart and then everything me cool again. As it happens it wouldn't have made a difference, you would have just had to let immi know. I washed my passport and had to get a new one, I filled in a form and emailed it to them and everything was fine.

  4. I'm not sure about your work history but are you of an age to get enough points?


    I think I can answer that, if he started work at 16 and he's been doing it 26 years, that'd make him 42!


    To the OP, get your customers to write references, get your suppliers to write references, get a letter from your accountant. Write a stat dec. A little bit of thought and you'll do it easy enough.

  5. I'm pretty sure that you will need to provide the milk for your children on the flight. We took our daughter on holiday to Oz a 5 months old and had to but loads of premixed milk from Boots "airside" and Man Int. Airport. I think we ordered it before hand.


    When we got to Oz we just went to the Chemists and bought some more milk which she drank with no problem at all.

  6. Why not put it in a high interest account in Oz? I'm up on what rates are available in the UK but we're getting 3.85% in an instant access account with NAB, the base rate in Oz is higher than the UK so I would have thought that Oz interest rates would be higher.


    There is also the long term exchange rates to consider, if the pound slumps against the dollar then all your gains of high interest will disappear. Conversely if the pound rallies against the dollar then you'll get double bubble!

  7. Lucky escape. I was at a information session last night for a role within the prison service. They mentioned one of the common inmate categories are unpaid speeding fines.



    Hope they have checked the record correctly then, I'v done a tour of Freemantle prison and I wouldn't like to spend any quality time in a place like that!

  8. Have you got a PR visa because if not you can just continue to drive on your UK license.

    You could try checking on here http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/drivers-licence-check-online.asp

    or here http://www.courts.dotag.wa.gov.au/_apps/fines/search.aspx


    We're coming on PR. I've tried checking online but as I don't have a reference number for the fine or a Oz license I cannot check. I've found an email for checking fines and have emailed them. Let's see what they come back with.

  9. I often wonder why people skip out of fines.

    It can come back and bite you on the ar5e one day.

    You never totally forget about it so it plays on your mind. The fine has probably gone up to a few thousand by now and if you come back to Australia you could get arrested, assets seized or who knows what ?



    Not that it matters but here goes! My car was registered at my sisters, she received the fine and told me not to worry about it. Me being young and care free left it at that. She didn't pay it, she sent it to my UK address for me to deal with when I got home (6 months late). Biggest problem was that I'd moved and my sister gave them my old address.

    I never heard anything from them again so I didn't worry about it, she didn't mention it until the other day and now I'm trying to sort it. I'll pay the fine and any further costs that have been incurred as I am an upstanding person. What I don't want to find out is that I cannot have a WA driving license when I start my new life in Oz.

  10. Whilst travelling Oz in 2008 I received a speeding fine for doing 132KPH in a 110KPH zone, I was in WA at the time. For one reason or another the fine went unpaid.

    It's now 2014 and I'm moving to WA permanently in 8 days and my missus has just asked how the fine will affect me, I have no idea.

    I've been to Oz on holiday twice since and hired cars without any issues both times having been to WA.


    Has anyone got a head up what might happen when i try to change my Uk license to an OZ one?

  11. Cautions are recorded as they are an admission of guilt even they are not a conviction. Different offences stay on for different lengths of time 10, 15, 20 or sine die depending on their severity. If something is due to come off after 10 years and you do something else at 9 years then the clock starts again.

    Mine caution was nearly nine years old and has more than likely gone by now as I have been a good lad.

    I also had a conviction for smashing a window and for swearing on public transport ( I was a right tear away lol) these two did not show on my Police check but I still declared them.


    My co never referred to anything that I declared or that showed on the check.

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