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Posts posted by mengancun

  1. Hi Everyone

    Ive been following this thread quite closely but not had anything to contribute as yet.

    But i do have a dilemma which i would appreciate some advise on.

    My parents are "Imbrioscia" on the CPV tracker - they were allocated a case officer 04/10/2011.

    we were told to arrange AOS. called up centrelink to find out the procedures to do so, etc.

    My Husbands parents are also awaiting a case officer. On the tracker as "Grant" (they should be due a CO any day now too. So my question to centrelink was whether my husband could sponsor AOS to both sets of parents as you need to be employed (im just a stay at home mum - i dont qualify to sponsor). Centrelink have said NO! he can only sponsor 1 applicant at a time within the 10 year period that the AOS is held for.....! We dont have any other family here that are permanant residents or citizens that can do this. I have a brother who is in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa (non resident) - not sure whta this means for us now.

    Can anyone say they have sponsored more than one set of parent/parents within 10 year?

    Is this an unlucky phone call to centrelink to someone who doesnt actually have the right answers?



    My understanding is that you can ask an organisation to act as a sponsor for your parents. Like a chirstian can ask the church to do so....

    However what if your husband's income is very high?

    Anyway, good luck to your parents and your husband's parent.

  2. I am using an Agent and received my acknowledgement letter via post in July, it stated i was acknowledged 28th June 2011 but they were still processing applications lodged 20th May 2010 , i don't expect to hear anything about a case officer until next April at the earliest, but it would be lovely to hear sooner though, could be the kick up the bum i need to get this house in order to sell or rent. Ann


    Thank you for replying. It seems that people who have their acknolegement letters from August/September have the infomation that all the applications froms June 2011 already allocated to c/os.


    I wish this is true, I actually wish they do it faster, 6 ms waiting only! my mum is 70 and living alone in Vietnam.


    Any more infomation to confirm (or exclude) the fact is greatfull.

  3. Hi Guys


    About a month back I filled out an application for a 143 visa for my mum. DIAC have since sent an acknowledgement through post (snail mail) to my mum's address. I remember checking the option for "communication through electronic means" on the application and did also give them valid e-mail addresses . There has been no electronic communication of any sort. Is this normal - I am bit worried as the place where my mum lives, the post office have had the habit of losing mails. Do I need to contact DIAC and get this changed? Any help will be sincerely appreciated.







    Did you fill the form that allows you to contact DIAC on your mother behalf (form 956 http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/956.pdf)


    In my case, I filled the application for my mother with that form. Also indicating that I prefer emails but they sent me a snail mail :), however to my address not to her address.


    Hope this helps.


    BTW do you know on the acknowledgment letter which month they are processing? I remember someone on this forum said that on that letter, they said all the applications from June 2011 (yes 2011) already have a case officer? Thank you

  4. I am thinking of updating my mother application.

    Just remember that trinandtony posted that they updated theirs and then it seems their application go to the bottom of the pile.

    @ trinandtony: have you got the case officer? Thank you.

    @ all: is there anyone that updating your application but still have co in time.

    Is there anyone who has recently had the letter of acknowledgment? If yes, please give us some info re the time line in it? (in May 2011, they said they were processing may 2010, just being curious to know how they say in recent letters.) Thank you all

  5. Good Luck to you, you made it. Our daughter phoned us this morning to say that our application has been looked at at last, so we should be getting a CO soon. Fingers crossed for us. Regards Ann and Roy.:hug:


    Congratulations on the news. May I just be curious to know how your daughter knows that?

    It is a very positive news because that means they speed up the process again- i see yours has the acknowledge date 14/11/11.


    I am waiting for my aged single mum application which was submitted on May 2011. Fingers crossed for us all.

  6. Could anyone who is recently granted a 143 give me some info regarding the shelter?


    I have applied the 143 for my single mother and ticked on the box indicating that she will live with us. Will there be any requirements for our house eg. how many bedrooms... we need to have?


    We are a couple with two kids renting a 3 bm house, is it ok?


    If your sponsors tick on the box that you parents will live in other place, do you/ your sponsors need to prove anything eg. money, or... God knows?


    Thank you.

  7. I have my CPV, hooray! But it did come at a cost that was quite high. If I cannot sell my property in the next 2 months, then I shall have to try letting it out.

    My original plans have had to change, because I was assuming that I would not have any difficulty in selling. Living in limbo is very stressful and so I booked my flights and have decided that I shall leave the UK at the end of Oct, come what may. I shall not have the capital, so will try my hand at some housesitting initially. This will give me time and a chance to discover exactly where in WA I really want to live permanently. My daughter is keen for me to be near her in the northern Perth suburbs, but I know that I need to make my own life and friends. It will be a challenge, but one that I feel I can embrace.

    The timescale that was quoted for issuing of the visa was much quicker than my agent had suggested initially, under 18months.

    Good Luck to all those considering the move, I'm sure I have made the right decision for me.


    Could you please give your time line on the tracker, or on this forum, so we can have some indications. Thank you.


    the tracker seems quiet these days and it is not 11 months waiting anymore, anyone has any info regarding this, please

  8. Dear MikeMavis,


    Sorry I can't answer your question, just be able to wish you all the best for that.


    Just would like to querry if you are possible to anwser, that on the http://www.chireckles.com/cpv/tracker.php, i see that you submit your application on Oct last year, and you have had co already. Is there any thing I can do to have that quick process for my mother?


    Kind regards,




    QUOTE=MikeMavis;1114856]Hi, I wonder if anyone can help,had medicals this week and because I am diabetic the Doc said this would probably be reffered,has anyone on here had any experience of this,ie what is required to be done etc, etc, as far as I am concerned the diabetes is controlled by meds and there is not a problem any thoughts would be most welcome.


  9. hello everybody,


    I would like to see if there is anyone that has the same situation like us, just to confirm what I understand.


    I came to Oz on 2008, then began to work since 11/2008, have 2 children enrol on a primary school since 2008. We were on student visa (dependants of my husband).


    We have got our PR 3/2011, and I am the main applicant.


    I apply a 143 for my mum ( I am an only child), thinking that the 2 years settle is fine.


    Could anyone who has knonw about this confirms that we do not need to be "PR" in that 2 years settling down?


    Thank you

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