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Posts posted by MikeMavis

  1. Dear MikeMavis,


    Sorry I can't answer your question, just be able to wish you all the best for that.


    Just would like to querry if you are possible to anwser, that on the http://www.chireckles.com/cpv/tracker.php, i see that you submit your application on Oct last year, and you have had co already. Is there any thing I can do to have that quick process for my mother?


    Kind regards,




    QUOTE=MikeMavis;1114856]Hi, I wonder if anyone can help,had medicals this week and because I am diabetic the Doc said this would probably be reffered,has anyone on here had any experience of this,ie what is required to be done etc, etc, as far as I am concerned the diabetes is controlled by meds and there is not a problem any thoughts would be most welcome.



    just the luck of the draw Im afraid there does not seem to be any ryme or reason why some get a co quickly and others dont good luck wih you application.

    cheers Mike.

  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help,had medicals this week and because I am diabetic the Doc said this would probably be reffered,has anyone on here had any experience of this,ie what is required to be done etc, etc, as far as I am concerned the diabetes is controlled by meds and there is not a problem any thoughts would be most welcome.


  3. There is a useful Australian Government website where you can compare the various providers and their offerings.


    We also subscribed to Choice (The Australian version of Which) whilst we were looking for insurance, health funds etc.

    We managed to get a full no claims bonus on our car insurance too!



    Hi what docs did you need for the discount (proof)etc.


    cheers Mike.:wink:

  4. Mega stressed ...still waiting for the police checks to come. Post arrived but not what Im looking for...Just cannot understand why mine should be now three weeks later than my DH ....I know this is all worth it in the end but right now...im gutted...another day and no further on .... I think I will post what docs we have today...and then police check when it comes or perhaps wait one more day...

    Just wanting this nightmare to be over


    Received our police checks this morning in the 10 days they state,chatting to the postie who delivered same and he was saying you would not believe the amount of mail that goes missing I would chase if I were you.


    cheers mike:wink:

  5. In the unlikely event we sell our house for more than we expected we may be able to go Business Class but I'd rather put the money towards a new car/things for our new home. Its only for 24 hours after all and after all the ups and downs so far we can put up with a bit of discomfort!


    At least we just got confirmation from our agent -WE NOW HAVE OUR VISAS!!!!!!!!:chatterbox:


    Congrats great news for you and a much more sensible way of spending your cash you could always e-mail from the cattle class lounge when on your way.

    cheers mike.:jiggy:

  6. Hi everyone,


    We are sitting in the Business Class Lounge (Emirates) at Gatwick on our way to Australia! The goodbyes have been very hard and we are a bit discombobulated at the moment but it will be well worth it all when we arrive at our Daughter's house on Tuesday morning. Will keep you all informed of how we get on, but for now, those who are waiting for the CPV - keep the faith, it will arrive eventually! (It actually feels a bit unreal at the moment, so I think that calls for another glass of champagne!)


    Best wishes to everyone

    David& Gill


    Did we need to know which lounge?? good luck with the move.

  7. Just reading back through some older posts and questions re renting...buying etc ..how will you manage....

    Last October we purchased a 2 bed cabin on a caravan park at Rosebud on the Mornington penisular ( Melbourne ) its got 2 beds shower room lounge kitchen diner...huge deck..on a lovely site with pool... We paid $60,000 we then pay about $6000 per year ground rent and then electric and gas ...any extra children or adults are $100 per year we have a dongle for internet and mobiles...we erected a shed...bought a car and bikes...we lived there for almost 7 months and will be returning in august...my daughter and family have been visiting while we are back in the uk...we have been looking at renting but its going to cost at least $300-350 per month and the added trapping of landline...internet etc...living in the cabin meant every morning sweeping through...washing up etc ..and then off on our bikes or doing voluntary jobs etc...its not meant to be a permenant site and w are hoping if we keep our heads down we can get away with staying there another year or two...

    I hope this helps ..its worth looking at and in the end you have something to sell..instead of paying out on rent...while you look for omething more permenant...

    Before i left in april i planted daffs...hoping they will be flowering or my return...Did i mention i also have an orange and an olive tree...home sweet home



    Did you not mean 300-350 per week??

  8. When you were lamenting the thought of long haul flying, I meant to recommend some Aussie over- the -counter sleeping tablets that I have found really good-i.e. you go to sleep and don't feel rough when you wake up. They are called Restavit-and its made a big difference to how I feel after a long flight!


    used a similar tactic some years ago and woke up in Hongkong with a DVT and not able to walk spent most of holiday in a Brisbane hospital so beware?


    cheers mike.

  9. Hi, the son who is sponsoring us has had permanent residence since last May,so he had been settled for 5 months or so when we applied we took the view at the time that it would be nearly two years before our application would be considered but it all happened a lot quicker than we expected,we are now rushing around like headless chickens.

    cheers mike.

  10. Yes – maybe a coincidence or not, but when we asked for an extension, the date given was 28 June.




    E-Mailed the department for extention till end of June 2011 reply came straight back "granted no problem "now we just need date for a medical tried both Manchester and Birmingham yesterday but got no-reply


    lets keep calm and keep trying.

    cheers mike.

  11. Welcome, Janey! All the moaning about banter on the Other Side drove many of us out, though I have to confess that I still keep an eye on it.


    Only correction: processing has now moved on another month. Our acknowledgement date was 22 June 2010, and we got our CO a couple of weeks back – I suspect they are trying to push through all the FY 2010 (ending 30 June) applications through.


    So unless they slow down again don't expect to have to wait too long!


    Good luck, Mike


    Have just today got back from holiday to find an e-mail telling us we have a case officer and asking for medicals etc,etc, within 28days from the 5th of May,this was just 7 months after our acknowledged application so has come totally out of the blue we will have to ask for an extention of time (are these usually granted) because with so few panel doctors we are probably going to have to wait for an appointment.7months I still cant believe it.




  12. Hi, I always intended to work here, maybe more as something to keep me occupied rather than to survive, but at the end of the day you have to do whatever it takes when circumstances change! I don't really need to work 2 jobs, but as the opportunity has arisen due to shift patterns I intend to make hay while the sun shines as the saying goes!

    We don't have a dull minute here with visiting family & friends, just had 5 days camping over Easter and not a drop of rain! The move out here was the best decision ever, so don't worry if it all seems a bit daunting, it all works out in the end!






    Hi thanks for the reply no it does not seem daunting at all just a lot of waiting.



  13. Hi folks, just a quick update on the jobs front for those that like me need to work to survive here! Since struggling at first to get work, since having a job I have had several other offers and am starting another one on Monday! I am also keeping the present one on a casual basis and will work that on my days off from the other one. So perserverance prevails seemingly!!






    Did you really envisage when you started to look at Australia that you would have to work two jobs to be able to live there.


    Cheers Mike.

  14. Final VAC - can anyone give me a link to the pros and cons of paying in London v credit cards v paying from Australia please?

    If paying in London " the rate is fixed twice each year on Jan 1 and Jul 1" - what is that currently?

    Looks like we'll miss that deadline so who knows what it will be after 1st July!



    You may not miss the 1st July ?? we do not know what the rate will be untill the aussie immi people set it.



  15. Hi Les


    Thanks for explaining that :biggrin: my SIL hasn't actually said anything to me it was just me worrying in case it would put him in a higher tax bracket :swoon: but from your explanation it won't affect him at all, he earns nowhere near that amount :twitcy: appreciate you taking the time to explain :wink:



    I think the easiest way round this whole matter is to let the kids pay the AOS plus the VAC fees,then we dont need to worry about interest or exchange rates etc etc ,anyone support this idea,


    cheers Mike.

  16. I believe that you only get prompts that there are messages on the forum if you actually post on the forum, ie after this post I will get a message but until I post again I will not hear more .................


    I,too, popped into another site this week and was horrified by the meanness there - what is their problem and Matt how goes the new job?, and Phoebe I am still amazed!!!






    that seems about right.




  17. Folks - it appears from what we've heard that some applicants never get asked for form 80, which is probably an administrative oversight. However it might be worth waiting until asked unless you feel like doing it just in case!





    Hi is it necessary to fill out form 80 for each applicant (ie me and the wife) or just one form for both??

    cheers Mike.

  18. We are on the tracker as DavandLinda. It actually looks like we have jumped the queue as the date on there is the acknowledgement date for our 173 application. We originally applied for the 103 in March, but then thought better of it and switched to the 173 in July.



    Did any of you ladies need to be tested for Hep B? My OH booked medicals in Manchester today and was told ladies need to be tested for Hep B (at an extra cost of £27) but he didn't. Not sure why this is - he didn't ask of course.


    Also, just note that Manchester is very busy at the moment for medicals and we were not able to get a booking till 29th March. This will be quite tight for the 28 days. As DIAC have greatly reduced the number of practices where medicals can be done you would think they would realise there is a bit of pressure on the ones which are left and give you a bit more time.

    sorry couldnt find it because you have not updated it

  19. Yes, hopefully those not too far behind in the queue can now think about getting the cash together to pay the big 2nd VAC. Luckily we were hoping for a CO in March going from the date of our original 103 application and the current form with timelines. Just like to say a big thank as well to everyone for posting their timelines and especially Sandch for the tracker. It does certainly help with planning if you know roughly when to expect a CO.

    Congratulations but don,t seem to be able to find you on the tracker.


    cheers mike.

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