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Posts posted by MikeMavis

  1. There's no doubt, Emirates are GREAT and have been for the last 12 years while we have flown with them.

    Having said that, I'm not totally convinced about the 380's.

    No question, the flat beds are fantastic especially on a long haul flight to Oz via Dubai. However, not too many 380 flights from Brum to Dubai.

    Also, I do have one grievance. The 380's have so many business class seats that service leaves a lot to be desired, compared to the smaller planes. Not being served breakfast, lunch, dinner at the same time as each other is really not good enough.

    Waiting for a drink for 15 minutes when the flight attendant light is on is also something that can make you MAD!!

    John & Eirian :wink:

    There are folks on here whos hearts are breaking because they cant afford the second vac payment,there are folks who would travel in the hold to be able to see their relatives,folks who are desperate to sell there houses in a depressed market,to have to buy in a rising one just to get to OZ and you complain about having to wait 15 mins from your flat bed for a drink,ever wondered where the phrase wingeing POM comes from, you will really fit in well in Australia good luck.


  2. Just wanted to say that after a really hectic couple of weeks of shippers coming for furniture, and completing on our house we are now sitting in our hotel at Manchester airport ready for our flight on Singapore Airlines tomorrow morning. It's been a long and sometimes heart searching journey to get here, but I know it will be worthwhile when we see our family waiting for us at Brisbane Airport Monday night.


    Cheers Cakey

    Best of luck will be joining you in Brisbane in just 10 weeks time all things being equal have a safe flight.

    Cheers. Mike.

  3. No stores on the Mornington Peninsula stocks gravy granuals.....i lived there from sept- april ...i would have found them...you can now get oxo....but not granuals....i will take the chance of my quality street melting...if it works out ok...i will let you know...if they are going to melt in to one big.blob...perhaps i should take the wrappers off now...need more than a toffee hammer at the other end..,ha

    IGA stores stock bisto granules nearest would be in Frankston.also the British shop on Collins in the city.


    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bisto good luck.

  4. I think it could be one very large tin shaped chocolate and the gravy granules will have solidified also.


    Hmm.... sounds like a recipe for vegemite if you mix the two together. :twitcy:


    Off to Harwich today to sit and eat traditional fish & chips cooked in dripping while watching other people's containers leave Felixstowe bound for Oz and beyond.


    Me jealous, nah. :yes:

    Hi, Les.


    I can remember a couple of years ago doing the opposite on Brisbane docks whilst collecting stuff for my son and wishing it was my stuff coming in hopefully in a few months that may be true.




  5. Hi Mike

    I'm on the 173 route as well - as far as I understand it, we will have to pay the going rate when we apply for the 173 to 143. It has gone up as follows:

    1st instalment - 2010 = $235 2011 = $270 (per application)

    2nd instalment - 2010 = $15,185 2011 = $16,005 (per person)


    Whats worse is that when we started looking into it 2 years ago it was $230/$13,730 respectively!!! Eeek Thats an increase of $4,590 just for the second bit!!! (for 2 peeps)


    OR approx £21,520 compared with £12,306 2 years ago!!:arghh: OMG - I wish I hadnt done that calculation!!!

    I meant the rate of the second part to convert to 143 from 173.

    sorry for the confusion



  6. Yes, there does seem to have been a big increase in the fees this time and to upgrade to the 143 you pay the fee that is applicable at the time you apply.


    Also when you are a pemanent resident you can get the Seniors card which gives lots of discounts off various things, including electric and water I understand.

    Hi do you mean you pay at the rate of original or new application.

    cheers Mike.

  7. G'Day and thanks


    Well, we of course have two years in which to start the 143 upgrade process, but just in case there should be any more medical hiccups – not likely, I'm told, but fingers crossed! – it seems like a good idea to get a move on! (At least it should stop nagging from our daughter!!)


    Also (and others may be able to confirm) I think the fees are increasing faster than inflation and any return from current interest rates.



    Are the fees not fixed at the date of the 173 or do they increase ???


    cheers Mike.

  8. Today after reading all the upset...struggles of everyone...really unnerved me...what are we doing....there was i telling everyone ..oh I would live in a shed if I can be near my family...but today ....oh I have sobbed...not for the first time in this process and I dont expect the last...

    We had my husbands gratuity after 38 years in the RAF..,we have sold our house...but for alot less than what it was worth a couple of years ago..we are due within the next couple of weeks to pay for our 173 leave for Melbourne on the 15 th August...if we stay here...we can have a nice home ...holidays...but no family...well not our only child and our two grandchildren...I have today sobbed ...are we doing the right thing...will I be happy to rent for the rest of our lives...our house will NOT buy us a house in OZ ...but we will have the money to invest to pay rent...to say Im scared is to say the least...we have lived in lots of rented housing...but that was RAF...safe...no checks until you moved...we are trying to work out all options...perhaps our daughter and son inlaw could buy ...for us to rent...perhaps we could find a very small plot of land and afford a small new build..then we dont have the crippling stamp duty in Victoria...we will have around $400.000 absolute tops...leaving us with NOTHING...so along with my family here being upset that im leaving...today has all been just a bit too much...but i know we are in the same boat as lots of you on here...i know i can come and talk about these feelings ..of being scared...of are we doing the right thing...and i know if we all just keep paddling...we will all get there...and see our grndchildren grow up...not just be a face at the end of a web camera...so i will continue to house hunt...both to buy and to rent...to fill my head 24/7 with this whole process and know soon i will be there and hearing and feeling my grndchildren and knowing i can see them any day i want...some days are alot harder than others ...we can get there with places like this to share to give and receive support...thanks everyone for being there for me x

    Well said good luck and god bless.





  9. I feel real sympathy for Pete and Marg, and Phoebe too, and along with everyone posting here,have had to change my plans over the last 3 years. I too will be renting not buying, at least for a year or so, and I will have to work part time. However there are advantages in both of these-I will meet more people and will be able to take time to decide where I really want to live etc.


    For me though, the advantages of being close to the family and living in a great place like Sydney outweigh the financial pain...lets just hope someone wants to employ me!



    If you go into the job market in Australia with the atitude you have you will soon get a job and do well remember" the glass is half full," employer are looking for people who not only want to work but need to work,and believe it or not some folks still respect the British work ethic.


    good luck Fiz.



  10. Although we're doing it, there are lots of people who dislike renting; for very good reasons. When you've always owned your own place, however small, you're not at risk of having it sold out from under you, periodic rent inspections etc.

    There are a lot of people who dislike a lot of things but if it is a means to an end then at least consider it,we are all heading for a totally life changing experience so we need to be somewhat flexible in both our views and plans.

    Lots of things change aswe sail through life and we have got to adapt things to cope with them not throw the towel in at the first obstacle.


    Cheers and good luck with your plans



  11. Hi Guys and gals

    Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost.

    I really feel for all those people that have had to withdraw so creating a shorter waiting time for those applying. I fear we may be joining the withdrawns as the exchange rate has just about killed it for us.

    First, our house is only modest and although paid for will still not give sufficient funds to buy even the cheapest standard house in Perth.

    Second the cost of everything will wipe out our savings, we had hoped to keep about half when we first started.

    Third, and biggest kick in the teeth, if we withdraw for say 2 yrs, AND the exchange rate rises to about 2.10, with the increase in the visa charge and best guess of another 15% over the next two years, it will cost just the same as going now.

    To those with sufficient funds to buy houses at a reduced A$475,000, and those with funds to cover the 2nd vac charge the very best of luck. You are truly the lucky ones but please dont forget the less well off that have had to give up the dream because of very greedy self centred *ankers that really should be in prison.

    Sorry rant over, Put whatever letter you wish in place of the star.

    The only smiie I would use here would be one committing suicide so I have declined to add.

    Will comntinue to post help because I have learned a lot on this journey, just wish I could finish blogging from Oz.

    You dont have to buy, bank the cash at 6% and rent,or leave most of it here and still rent,Im sure you could find some type of small job to help,we are all in the same boat the rate was 2.4 when we started out on the journey but hey ho ###t happens,keep going.


    cheers Mike.

  12. Well Westpac are going to knock 1% off their interest rates this year....so do you all still think "doom and gloom" or can you see a glimmer of hope?


    We all know what things have been,we all think we know what things could be,we think we know what causes the problems and we think we know what will make things better.


    However one thing is certain we all have to cope with what is,we therefore may as well get on with it as cheerfully as is possible.





  13. Ooops! Sorry................should read things more thoroughly before replying. Having trouble concentrating as our little Aussie granddaughter (and daughter) have just told me they are coming for a visit in a month and its sent me into a flap!

    Cheers! Val

    be better if you were going the other way,cheers Mike.

  14. Hi again Mike,

    We dont own any property in Oz - our daughter and her husband do. She`s a bit cheeky and would certainly suggest "looking after" it for us in her offset mortgage account if she had the chance but that wont earn ME any interest would it!!

    Kids eh!! We`ll be there again for Christmas so can do the personal appearance at the bank then. We are also hoping that this will be our validation trip if DIAC would only get their fingers out!!

    Regards, Val


    Hi the question was for mikesuenw3 not yourselves.

    cheers mike.:embarrassed:

  15. :embarrassed:

    G'Day Val


    Our own online savings account is with St George (now part of Westpac), and although we get "only" 4.75%, they have a six-month introductory rate (for new money) of 6%.


    Our kids' account is with BankWest, and their intro savings rate is I think 6.1%, again for six months.


    There are two snags, however, to sending your money over there now: (1) You are in effect betting that the exchange rate against sterling won't improve (from the sterling point of view) in the meantime; only a few notches up can negate the interest-rate advantage. (2) You probably (not certain) need to put in a personal appearance over there to open an account; we did so several years ago, as somewhere to store the income from our Sydney pad, which we let out when we are not there.


    Good luck, Mike


    You can open a Oz bank acccount from the UK you have to be there to validate it and withdraw money you cant transfer cash straight to the DIAC.


    Just wondering how you could own a property in Sydney as British citizens ??


    cheers Mike.

  16. ......and we are only talking about 2 vac payments, it's house buying money where the real pain will be. :cry:

    We are letting the kids buy the house and renting it back from them at a reduced rate which means we dont have to suffer the bad rate at the moment,however dont think it will ever get back to 2.4 which it was when we started planning this.

    cheers mike.

  17. http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/parent/143/


    About this Visa


    This visa allows parents to migrate to Australia permanently, to join their children who are living in Australia.

    This visa requires that you be sponsored by your child, or another eligible sponsor, in Australia.

    Who is this visa for?


    This visa is for you if you are a parent of a child or stepchild who, at the time the visa application is lodged, is 'settled' and either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. This means your child must have been lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period, normally two years, although a shorter period can be considered for Australian citizen children if there are compelling and compassionate circumstances. :wubclub:

    Our youngest son who is sponsoring us had had PR for only 6 months when we submitted our application,we took the view that by the time anyone looked at the file he would nave about 2years,

    However the file was picked up after only 7 months making it just 12 months he had had PR,he had been working as a doctor for the Queensland government for 5years before this and I do not know if this makes a difference.??


    cheers Mike.

  18. Hi Mike & Mavis


    Sorry, I meant to have responded before, not that I can of much help, but I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes long before I went for my medical but everything was fine. I wasn't referred, it just went straight through. So, I don't know whether this is relevant to you or not. Just to add to our joy, when we went for our driving licence medicals my husband was found to have sugar in his urine and a blood test showed high levels of glucose. He's now taking Meformin and is well controlled so all is well there. Anyone who is taking medication for hypertension or diabetes is required to have a medical here before a driving licence can be issued. It was quite a detailed medical, similar to our visa medical. We both passed just fine and opted for a 5 year licence. Anyone doing similar here in WA do get your Senior's Card first as it gives a hefty discount off the fee.




    Thanks for the reply I never even considered driving licence,I think it is just the additional messing about that :jiggy:is getting to us,both our sons in OZ are doctors and they cant see a problem,they have both promised to keep me breathing until they find where the money is hidden .


    cheers Mike.

  19. To be truthful Mike I just assumed it was because we got an acknowledgement :eek: surely the place in Perth where you send your application AND FEE should tell you if your sponsor has not been a PR for long enough :swoon: dam good point because if it's not then they are literally 'ripping' you off taking your money:shocked:



    I dont think that the applications are actually read,or considered before a CO is asigned to the case they just bank the cash and file the application for future ref when the time comes.

  20. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help,had medicals this week and because I am diabetic the Doc said this would probably be reffered,has anyone on here had any experience of this,ie what is required to be done etc, etc, as far as I am concerned the diabetes is controlled by meds and there is not a problem any thoughts would be most welcome.




    Hi, hard to believe that no one on here has an opinion or any experience of this problem either first hand or anetdotaly,or am just a synic ??.

    cheers mike.:err:

  21. Just to add to this our daughter & SIL had only had their PR for 8 months when they sponsored us for the CPV143 and only live in a 'rental' as they couldnt sell their house in the UK before they left so it would seem you don't HAVE to have your own property to be a sponsor although I did buy them the required BBQ for their first Xmas presant in OZ :laugh:so this proberbly helped :wink:



    have you got your co or visa yet?? only then will you know if 8 months is long enough.

    hope so .

    cheers mike.

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