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Everything posted by SimoneAL

  1. SimoneAL


    Being realistic and objective, this idea of mine to migrate to Oz is pure madness. Too many things can go wrong, too expensive, too late in life and wife does not really want to go. I still hope to find away within 12 months and it will take some time to get this dream out of my head....but...well....next life maybe....&@#%$@ :arghh: Thanks all for your sharing your experience as immigrants and your knowledge of Oz :wink:
  2. Old parents left behind... How do you cope with this? Can you sleep at night? Any regrets? Any good solutions?
  3. Hello folks! How is the job market in Perth nowaday? Any signs of recovery? How easy/hard is to find a job from your own experience? Not looking for official employment stats here:wink: I know where to find those. Cheers
  4. 7-8 grand... this is a lot of money just to get the flaming stamps on the passports.
  5. A while ago I was advised to look at the latest edition of the book "What color is your Parachute?". I was looking for some ideas on career change or just finding a new job. This is no magic wand, just a book that helped many people approaching job seeking and career change with the right set of mind and confidence. Some people loved it and found it very useful, some hated it... I know how important is to maintain confidence and positiveness when looking for a decent job, hope it helps.
  6. Cheers, could find the post :biggrin:
  7. Guys, do you know of any statistics about unemployment among immigrants? Or how long as an average it takes to immigrants to find their first job?
  8. Yeah, it is tricky to work out what that unemployment rate implies. I would say: - New hired paid slightly less, - Decent jobs harder to be found, - More short term and contractors, possibly more temping - More difficult for one-income families to pay all the bills - Some more job cuts here and there - Recruiters doing more and more checklist-ticking work when screening candidates. Some people will not even notice any differences, some others suddenly will have to compete with hundreds of other candidates and panic. Just think positive, act positive and look positive :cool: (at least try very hard to!)
  9. PC means...? coast patrol? Pareto chart? :confused:
  10. Well, thanks for the detailed explaination :wink: Perception and tollerance have changed enormously in the last decades, what would have been a silly comment 20 years ago now could tricker a disciplinary procedure. This is a positive change overall, a lot a work still to be done though....
  11. I appreciate we are talking high level here, no detail should be given not to have the organization and the people indentified. Still from an abstract point of view, can anybody help me understand when a proposition becomes sexual harrassment? Mind, I am only trying to understand better from the unwanted ladys's point of you and HR/regulatory point of view as well (possibly). Some cases are black and white, though many seems to be very grey to me... PS Just in case my wife reads this: I DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG! :no:
  12. The Netherlands is a logistics paradise for sure, but this is not reflected in the variety and average price of goods to consumers :nah:. It is a bit of a myth, it goes down to (lack of) competition and family budget. Of course, if you have a 6 digits salary (or very close to 6 digits) and live in a relatively large urban area (not many) you will have access to all sorts of shops, restaurants, clubs ect. If not, you might be struggling to maintain the same quality of life as a family as you had in UK. I know of many couples and families moving back to UK or away after few years, and the cost of living vs salary is one of the major reasons for it. UK is unique for shopping at present as far as I know, and has an incredibily good and large second hand market. I heard urban US and Canada are comparable but I really do not know from direct experience. What about going native rather than looking for the Oz equivalent to Asda, M&S or Argos? It would be good to know where and natives and long term immigrants go shopping to and how they manage, especially the ones on an average income or stingy :cool:
  13. All my sympathy to your friend, it must be a very uncomfortable situation for her. As per some comments above, not sure there is enough to push forward a harrassment case. My only bit of advice would be to move on as quick as possible, logging all events, emails etc, that could be handy if things get seriously nasty. I say move on because from the little I know those situations could have a very negative impact on your friend private and professional life. People tend to blame the victim and if things get nasty, your friend should be ready for this. New job, new boss, keep the proud, keep the confidence. At the end of the day, this is a very personal decision and it is hard to comment without some experience in a similar case... Good luck
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