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Posts posted by bigmac

  1. I've been on the immigration website and I've also been to down under live that confirms I defo qualify for a skilled independent visa I just don't know where and what I should be doing next and also with the islets test I was told not everyone needs to sit the so how do you find out if you need it or not

    Look at the ANMAC website. For a PR visa you need to have a skills assessment completed by ANMAC & as part of this process you need to complete the academic IELTS. You don't need IELTS if you go for a temporary visa that requires sponsorship. Whichever visa you decide on you also need to register as a nurse which means applying to AHPRA also.

  2. Start by looking at the immigration website to see what visa you qualify for. If it's a PR visa you'll need to get a skills assessment by ANMAC. You also need to sit the IELTS for your skills assessment & get 7's in all areas as a nurse. Following the skills assessment you submit your EOI & go from there.

    Good luck.

  3. Thanks for letting us all know this Harby88. It'll really help once I receive the letter/email asking for further proof. My uni transcript only mentioned pharmacology so it's a definite I'll be asked for more. Even though I'm a community nurse prescriber my other uni transcript didn't even mention that part of my course, typical!

    Can I ask, do APHRA let you know when they've received your application or is it just a case of waiting to see when the money is taken from your account?


  4. I finally got registration through on 22/01/14

    my paperwork went into them in July 2013 !!

    it was the most stressful time I've had in years as I was in melbourne from beginning of November.

    So no job, little money and perm residency that does not help with finding ANY work to keep me going until APHRA could finally sort my registration.

    Ihave been nursing over 20 years and a midwife over 10 never had any problems with my registration in uk

    also be warned, employers do not take British trained staff or even reply to your application so don't go there if you haven't got ££££

    in the bank to back you up cos you be a long time waiting and your heart will sink many times. It got SO bad that I have returned to UK

    sadly australia not all it's cracked up to be.

    Good luck guys. But be very careful what you wish for.



    I'm really sorry to hear things didn't work out but hope you get some comfort in knowing you tried & for some reason it wasn't meant to be. Good luck with your future in the UK.

  5. Hi guys, hope someone can help. I've been waiting to send off my paperwork to ANMAC for skills assessment after waiting what seemed like a decade for my professional reference! It's been mentioned that I should send a letter from HR detailing my employment history. Do you think I could get away without this? My professional reference outlines how many years I've worked there as a registered nurse so would that be enough? Has anyone successfully done theirs without needing this from HR? I've been asking them to do it for a month now and still nothing! I'm getting a bit impatient!!! Obviously if I do need it I'll just continue to badger them til it turns up!


    Thanks for any advice!!

    Bouncy x



    I didn't send a letter from HR, just my professional references stating my hours/years of service & this was acceptable to ANMAC.

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