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redrobbersdog last won the day on December 23 2010

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About redrobbersdog

  • Birthday 21/10/1969

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  1. Oh right, that has taken me by surprise! I wonder where I got that myth from? That's great, thanks for your help.
  2. Hi iron chef, we brought our car over with us to WA. We were told that you need to keep the car for 12 months after registration over here, but we have seen some conflicting posts elsewhere which state it's 24 months. We have looked on wa registration websites etc and we can't find the facts. Any chance you know? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks iron chef, I think I'm going to have to call someone to find out more. I doubt very much though that I will be able to take it over. I will let you know if they allow me to. Fingers crossed!
  4. Hi iron chef, thanks so much for all this information it's most useful. We are also intending on moving to OZ on a 457 visa with the intention of submitting a 176 application once WA reopens after their smp is announced (fingers crossed motor mechanic is on it and there are enough available places! | ) I bought my car in July from new and it's unlikely that it will be over 12 months old when we leave on our 457. Reading your message am I understanding that as we are going out on a temp visa we don't necessarily have to the proof of being in the uk 12 months previous because it is only a temp visa, once we apply and prove to them our intention to seek permanent residency that we can then ship the car regardless of being in OZ for say 6 months? Sorry if I have not explained myself very well or if I have misunderstood your details! Thanks
  5. redrobbersdog

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