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chrisrich 5

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Status Updates posted by chrisrich 5


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi Kevin</p></p>

    <p><p>If you bringing the cars in as a personal import ,which i think you are ,you do not have to change the speedo from miles to klms and dont worry about miles in the speedo reading .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>You will not be able to obtain a complance certificate untill you fit child restraints anchors to all seats in the back .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>i would suggest to you that you get them done in the UK otherwise you will have to get a certified engineer here to do the work for you and that will cost you.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>also make sure that you get the car steam cleaned under all w/arches and make sure that there are no leaves in the vents ,i had a dozen or so leaves in my 2010 car the the shipping company this end charged me $220 to take them out standard charged .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>if you are bringing garden equipment make sure these are clear and make sure there is no grass in the strimmer head ,$60.00 to clean each item for 5 minutes work .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>if you need to ask anything else don't hesitate to ask .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>good luck with the move .</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>regards </p></p>


    <p> </p>



    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi mate, </p></p>

    <p><p>Thanks for your info, we are loooking at a couple of acres in the countyside in or near Mayfield in East Sussex .cant wait to put my feet on home soil .</p></p>


    <p> </p>


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