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Posts posted by Fox

  1. I understand it as being short for POMpous stuffed shirt which was a derogatory term applied to the British Governors and Administrators of the Antipodean Colonies behind their backs by the colonists under their juristiction. When the inhabitants of Australia declared themselves independent after the death of Queen Victoria they became braver and used the term in general conversation.


    All you have to do is call them an Aussie T**t and they will get the hump and stop talking to you, problem solved.

  2. I find it hard to understand why anyone would deceive a child over anything. All you have to do is explain everything to them in a rational and unbiased way. Then they will think about it and ask questions when they have them, and all a parent has to do is answer honestly. This will reassure the child that they can trust their parents and therefore will be happier to go on any adventures that their parents want to take them on.

  3. Although electrical and electronic goods won't be much use in Oz you could try the US for other stuff. On a car forum I use the Australians who are on there use US dealers to get classic European car parts rather than European dealers. In the UK I've used Amazon.com for books and DVDs that I can't get here (and got absolutely stung by the rediculous UK import taxes and Royal Mail charges for handling imported goods). It will all depend on what you're after.

  4. Whilst it is annoying that this happens we are British people resident in the UK who have visas. We do not have any rights in Australia and nor will we have any until we live in Australia as residents.


    Although Australian employers do offer jobs to overseas residents, and the lucky ones get help with relocation, they are not under any obligation to offer employment to overseas residents, it's their choice, even if the job is advertised overseas as well as locally.


    UK law does not apply in Australia the same as Australian law does not apply in the UK.

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