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Posts posted by sparrow9999

  1. Hiya, no news yet but will definitely post when it comes through - will no doubt be beyond excited!

    Everything seems to be around 4 months at the mo, so hopefully will have news within the next couple of weeks.

    Keeping everything crossed it's soon as am going quietly mad having so many things out of my control :wacko:



    it will all be worth it in the end,we've got our fingers crossed for you :wink:

  2. Well what do you know, just checked the inbox and the magical email arrived at 13:52 today...obviously my last post worked well as a cosmic ordering! Application was posted 14 June, so wait was almost 5 months to the day.


    What a relief. Now for popping our cocker spaniel on a plane to Sydney on Tuesday and exchanging on the house before packing our bags for our 5 December departure!

    great news enjoy your new life in oz


  3. OMG :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:just got the email from george lombard to say my o/h has his 309 visa, we are over the moon right now. we are now having the champers we've had in the fridge since we put our appilcation in, thanks to everyone who has helped us on our journey to oz melbourne here we come,


    (applied for 309 visa) applied 1st july c/o asigned 3rd july c/o was dp, meds and police checks put in 22nd july, visa granted 11/11/11 we will never forget this dated

  4. hi sangsm,

    we did all our documents as photocopies but you do need to get them certified as true copys our photographs we sent originals and they sent them back to us straight away.not sure on the bank savings but i know what you mean i also had to show my savings with me sponsoring my partner i think it so they know if you will have the funds to support your o/h when you get to oz but not sure on that one we are still waiting we put ours in on the 1st july 2011

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