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Posts posted by brummiebabies

  1. Hi everyone


    This is my first post but I have been sharing your experiences for some time now as you go forward on this awesome journey. I agree with tabitha 10, this is such a friendly and supportive site for us parents who are making life changing moves to be with our children. I too, feel as though I know you all and thank you for your encouragement and the invaluable information and experiences that you're willing to share with so many others.


    I have three children and seven grandchildren in Perth and I miss them so much. I lodged my 173 in March and know that I have to wait awhile yet. Bon voyage to those of you who are at the end of their journey and off to Oz, and to those just beginning, you will find a community here that will see you through the highs & lows and help guide you through this process......good luck everyone x


    Hi Silver Lady and welcome to our 'little family'. This site has been such a fantastic support for us and I really don't know how we would have managed without it. You might have only lodged your 173 in March but believe me the time will just whizz by! You are right about the highs and lows there are plenty of those along the way!! All the very best to you and hope your journey is a smooth one. Angie x

  2. Hi Val. We've just had our letter requesting the final VAC payment. I hope you don't mind me asking but which address was your bank cheque sent to - the Locked bag address or Wellington Central? Thanks, Angie


    Hi Angie, that's great news! We sent everything to the Locked Bag 7 address - PCC's, Form 80 and the Bank cheque. I got daughter to address the envelope with the Bank Cheque in to include CO's name and position number (found at the end of any correspondence she'd sent) and our File Number as well as on the back of the cheque - that baby was not going to get lost! Oh yes, and it was sent in a Platinum Express Envelope. Hope this helps.


    So excited for you!

    Val x


    Thanks so much for that Val. It's a big help. We'll do the same as it worked for you!! Hopefully not long now!!

    Angie x

  3. Thank you all so much for all of the wonderful threads i have been reading over the last few days, it has been like a breath of fresh air hearing all of your stories the ups and the downs, ive laughed and cried at some of the stories and i feel like ive got to know you all.

    Its so much better than reading books because i can relate to it.

    I havent started with the whole journey yet, (husband isnt convinced its the right thing to do, needs more work i think) but when i do i will know exactly how to do it all, heres hoping!, the advice given has been enormous.

    I also watch everything Oz, i didnt dare tell anyone before ha ha ha.

    good luck to you all in your new lives in Oz and thanks x


    Tab x:notworthy:


    Hi Tab. That's a lovely post!

    This site has been absolutely priceless - a fantastic help to Ted and myself. I really don't know what we have done without it. The great thing is that you can get information and advice from those who are going through or have recently been through the process. The immigation office are really busy and tend to have 'standard' replies to queries which sometimes don't really relate or answer your question!!! So yes this site has been invaluable to us on the journey which figures crossed is nearly at an end. Good luck with the process when you decide to start the journey yourselves! Angie x

  4. p.s. Just checked Auspost tracker and the bank cheque is received and signed for - phew! Might be booking flights next week............fingers crossed! Sooo excited!


    Hi Val. We've just had our letter requesting the final VAC payment. I hope you don't mind me asking but which address was your bank cheque sent to - the Locked bag address or Wellington Central? Thanks, Angie

  5. Good morning everyone! Thank you all so much for your good wishes and congratulations! As you can tell, a couple or three glasses of champers and I'm not in control of my emotions and I'm afraid I got a bit carried away last night! But, well, I just wanted to share the joy!


    We're going to have a very busy time for the next few weeks as we hope to arrive Brisbane last week September, staying with daughter until we find a house to buy, and which would be perfect timing as our Son and family are visiting from Sydney so we'll all be together to celebrate our arrival! I think our feet are not going to touch the ground for some time - but more than makes up for all these months of inactivity - BRING IT ON!


    Val x


    You have every reason to get carried away Val! Sooooo happy for you both and thank you for sharing your good news with us! Angie x



    Just out for the day in the Cotswolds and looked at my phone to check the time and there it was - the email we've been waiting so long for!


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! The celebrations have begun.......


    I love you all.....especially our CO - you gorgeous girl!!!


    Wow! Many many congratulations to you both. How fantastic!!.....and Happy Birthday to you too. Our turn soon me thinks!!! Angie x

  7. Hi Angie, best of luck with Form 80! I couldn't really see the point in that other than to kill more time. Most of the info was on the original application form and as for "list all jobs since school" - well, that was a guessing game! I suppose its to make sure you are who you say you are, but blimey, if they're not sure of that by now........


    Anyhow, enjoy your Bank Holiday, looking for old P60's and trying to remember where you've been on holiday in the last 10 years - old photo's are a good memory jogger - and you can reminisce at the same time! Best of luck!


    Val x

    p.s. Just checked Auspost tracker and the bank cheque is received and signed for - phew! Might be booking flights next week............fingers crossed! Sooo excited!


    Hi Val. Yes I imagine you are getting really excited now! You are right the Form 80 does seem be pointless as it duplicates most everything on the original application. I feel it's just formality and 'ticks' boxes at the Immigration office. But hey ho it has to be done. Took me ages to list the jobs I've had but managed to remember dates thank goodness. As for holidays - it really is guess work!


    We took the plunge and booked our flights a few weeks ago so we fly out on 19 October. It's taking a chance but at least I could let them know at work so that they could find someone to replace me. Hopefully it won't be long for us now either!


    Have a lovely bank holiday too - you can relax now and enjoy a nice glass of wine (or two) :)


    Angie x

  8. Hi everyone - after the frightful week we've had - today is a good day! Today, my daughter has posted bank draft to PVC and so we wait (should be used to this by now). Its my birthday next Tuesday, wouldn't it be a wonderful prezzie if our Visa was granted on that day (yeah, I know probably too quick for DIAC!) but if it was in the same week as my birthday that would be soooo good!


    On Monday of this week, I didn't think I'd be saying the above, as the funds which we "sent" to our son's account by a FX company the week previously, had not been received! Suffice to say sleepless nights and many phone calls later, the funds came back to the UK (huge relief) and so we then changed the recipient to our daughter, and the funds were in her account by the following day. We have no explanation as to what went wrong, the details were checked and all o.k. The only difference seems to be that there were four "intermediary" banks involved in the transaction and somewhere along the way, it got "lost". Extremely worrying and also very aware of the 28 days ticking down (yes, probably could have got an extension in the circumstances???)


    Anyway, we seem to have got back on track, so here's hoping we get to crack open the champagne in a double celebration!


    Val x


    Hi Val


    What fantastic news and such a relief! You are definitely nearly there now. We seem to be well behind you. Our CO has only just aked us to complete the Form 80 so still a long haul for us!! Fingers crossed you hear something next week ooo... it's very exciting!!! Angie x

  9. I was filled with optimism when I read this reply from John & Eirian as I've just received my ANZ cheque book and thought I could just write one for the final VAC and send it to Perth. Now Val & Matt are saying that DIAC told them that personal cheques (and cash) would not be acceptable.

    Anybody else think that DIAC are making up the rules as they go along these days?

    Its been 7 weeks now since my daughter arranged the AoS. Centrelink have sent confirmation to DIAC and they tell me they will let me know if they need anything further from me. I thought that the final VAC request came hot on the heels of the AoS............I don't understand why they only gave us 28 days to sort AoS then they don't bother to go any further. Crazy!

    I'm having a glass of wine now - sod the blood pressure! Val x


    Ha Ha! Seriously though it's just so frustrating Val. We are the same - it went mad for a while when we submitted eveything and now we are waiting, waiting, waiting zzzzzz. I know we have been allocated a CO but he hasn't contacted us directly. We have tried to find out if they need anything else from us but we just get the standard email reply referring us to the website argh!! I'm joining you with that glass of wine!!! Cheers!! ::cute: Angie x

  10. Hi Val

    Just to say that I emailed DIAC to as whether my d-i-l could be my sponsor now that she and my son are separated and they said no.

    So my son will be my sponsor now. I wondered if anybody has changed details on their application form, I seemed to remember that there was a form to be filled in but I cant find reference to one. What I thought I would do is send a covering letter with his Form 40 that he will have to send in

    But the good news is that I have had a good offer on my flat and it hasnt been up a week, only problem is I wasnt planning on getting out of the flat for another 3/4mths so I feel a bit rushed.

    best wishes to all


    Hi Moria. Not sure on whether you need to complete another form for change of sponsor details but I'm sure someone else will know. Good news indeed about your flat! We are feeling a bit rushed too - so many things to organise but we feel we are getting somewhere now. We have also sold our house and will be completing early September all being well. We don't fly out until October but we are lucky that my boss has offered for us to stay at his place in meantime. He has a lovely converted barn with rooms separate from the main building. Good luck to you - It will all work out fine I'm sure. Angie

  11. Good morning all,


    Just wanted to share the great news that our visa has been granted this morning, YIPPPEEEEEE!!!! At last the wait is over! Shippers are in on 23rd August and flights booked for 2nd September. Just waiting for the relief to kick in and the tension to disappear.


    This is not a journey for the half hearted. Good luck everyone, may your cups runneth over soon!


    Kim and Kevin


    Congratulations! What fanstastic news. This process is such a roller coaster ride so what a huge relief. All the best to you both. Angie

  12. Hi Angie,


    Thanks for your reply. We sent the AOS money via moneycorp yesterday to our daughter. We are hoping she will be able to sort before the deadline of 2nd Aug. After this date we weill have to re apply and submit all of the forms again!

    We move out of our house in a weeks time. We were lucky enough to sell.

    WE will be staying with our daughter on the sunshine coast when we get there. We also have another daughter in Brisbane city.

    Please keep me posted on how you are getting on. Its nice to know that its not just me that's on this roller coaster ride!


    I agree with Val (vava) this does seem very harsh. I didn't realise Perth were so strict. Surely they can't expect you to go through the whole process again - that would be just dreadful! All the best for next week. I'm sure it will be okay! Angie x

  13. Hi Angie,


    I have been getting lots of info from this website. My husband and me are also going to Brisbane on 143 visa. We are just in the process of arranging AOS payment. I am starting to feel a little wobbly too now that it is getting close to us actually going!

    It won't be easy saying goodbye to family and friends!







    Hi Nutmeg. It's good to know we're not alone in all of this! Looks like you are at the same stage of the process as us. Nearly there now!!! Angie

  14. Hi Angie

    I am wobbling with you and I am not near as you. Just extending the lease on my flat so that I can sell it, but I think it will cost more than I expected, so few sleepless night over finances, but that seems to be part of the course. I just keep thinking of this time next year when I will be over in Oz.

    Best wishes Moira

    Hi Moira. Yes we too have had big concerns over finances. Good luck with your flat and hope all goes well. We are very fortunate that we have recently sold our house STC although it has been on the market since February with only 2 viewings. The London property market does not appear to have suffered like the rest of the country so you should be okay when the time comes to sell. Here's hoping we don't have too many wobbles! Angie

  15. Hi Angie, this is the most positive news! As we have the same ack date as you we surely will hear something soon!!!!!! I know they have the wrong email address for us, so which email address did you use, as when I emailed them with the right address all I got was an automated response, and so I feel as if there is no-one has read mine! It will take forever if they post everything to us!


    Oh my goodnes Angie, so close now.............

    Val x

    Hi Val. It really does seem close now! I'm starting to feel a bit wobbly about leaving family and friends. It has always been in my mind of course but it seemed a long way off and now I'm really dreading the goodbyes! Still the world is a much smaller place with the help of modern technology.


    The email address we used to send over the police certs was pvc.team2@immi.gov.au. We were surprised that they responded so quickly - we sent the email on Thursday night and the reply was there first thing Friday morning. We had asked them to use another email address which they also did! So a very efficient response for us.

    Hope you hear something soon - I'm sure you will. Keep us posted!! Angie x

  16. As I said Angie, it's a bit of a walk in the dark! Still, it is progress and we take what we can get. So have you had the email from DIAC telling you to get the medicals/checks/AOS? What is the paperwork your son is waiting for? We didn't have anything other than what came with the email. I'm sure your Centrelink experience will go much more smoothly than ours, it'll be plain sailing. Here's hoping!




    Thanks Kim. Yes we had an email from Perth early part of June asking us to get our Medicals and Police checks done and they also attached the form which our Son in Law needed to complete for the AOS. I don't know what paperwork our SIL is now waiting for from the Bank - something he needs to forward to Centrelink. Proof the account has been set up I guess! Angie

  17. In a roundabout way we heard today that we have been allocated a Case Officer. We sent an email yesterday attaching scanned copies of our Police Certs and got a reply this morning advising scanned copies were not accepted. They have asked us to post them for the attention of our CO and gave us his name - first we knew about it!! Our Son in Law has set up the AOS bank account and is just waiting for the paperwork to send to Centrelink - dreading this bit reading recent comments. At least things seem to be progressing. Angie

  18. So do you think those names at the top of the tracker, say the first 8-10 names, do you think they have all either got their Visa or have been allocated a CO, but not updated the tracker?????


    My acknowledgement date is now past one year and its "excruciatingly" slow going, the anticipation - I'm afraid I wake most mornings at 5a.m. and rush to check email!


    My 7 year old grandson today said (big sigh) "but Nanny Val WHEN are you coming to live here? How many more sleeps? I miss you......." Oh the agonising reply - I don't know yet, but soon!


    Come on DIAC - get a move on! PLEEEEEEASE.......


    Just a thought but it's been the school holidays in Oz - perhaps this is why it's so slow? Maybe, after a nice long break, the lovely workers at the DIAV will be keen to start looking at our applications!! We live in hope ... :notworthy: Angie

  19. The tracker is looking a bit empty in places and hasn't moved in ages........ all seems soooo very slow at the moment, wonder what the hold up is. Lordy hope we see somethng moving this week, those that are next must be nail chomping at the moment.... hope it's this week for you.....then i won't be long after as i so want to be in perth for the birth of my grandson 3rd october but they reckon she may go early. Ann ( gilly on tracker):unsure:


    The Tracker does seem slow at the moment Ann but looking historically it can't be that long now for the next batch of us on the list - I hope! When you have a date to aim for, as you have, it makes the waiting even more painful. I'm sure the timing will work out pefectly for you. Angie

  20. Just discovered that if you are over 60 and under 65, you can make a one-off investment of any spare cash into a "retirement fund". This can be whatever you like - fixed term deposits, bonds or shares or any combination of these. The maximum limit for the transfer is $450,000.

    All income/interest of the fund and any other drawings of capital are totally free of tax.

    John & Eirian

    Thanks so much for that information John and Eirian. We have most of our savings in ISA's here so it's good to know we can do something similar in Oz. Angie & Ted

  21. Don't know if anyone can help with our query. We used this site when we did the 143 Contributary Parent Visa, we arrived here in Busselton, WA last September, with lots of help from members on here. We have settled here, are in a rental for a year, and our own place is being built and we should move in in October. But, we have a problem, we left one daughter behind in UK who qualifies for the Remaining Relative Visa, we have looked on the Aus Immigration site, and they are saying 10 to 12 years!!!! We can't believe this, we thought it was about 2, does anyone know any different.


    Hi Steve and Aileen. I don't have any personal experience of the Remaining Relative Visa to be able to advise but I was researching it on Google and came across a post in 2010 by 'Gollywobbler' that seems relevant. Here's the link http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/adelaide-migration-issues/19294-last-remaining-relative-visa.html

    I wish you lots of luck. Angie



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