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Posts posted by brummiebabies

  1. Hi Angie, I can't put into words how we felt those last few days, "were we, weren't we", anyway its done now, so ONWARD AND QUITE LITERALLY UPWARDS!!!! Needless to say we are now running around like headless chickens, but with purpose now! All the planning in the world and its come down to getting it all done in a few days! But we don't care and we're smiling again - great big fat grins! And as the grandchildren said earlier today "11 more sleeps" YAY!


    Now to the much more serious business of the "Moreton Bay Meet-up"! You can definitely count us in of course - absolutely brilliant - and the more the merrier! So looking forward to it! :wink: (I couldn't find a smiley holding a wine glass)



    Val x


    Hi Val. We were only saying the other day that the house sale was the worst bit for us. Even when you get a buyer nothing's certain and things can change from one day to the next. We found the whole thing very stressful but now it's over to be honest we've sort of forgotten how bad it was. We'd just rather forget I think!!

    Anyway on to more pleasant things like the 'Moreton Bay Meet-up' (I like that) Won't that be great! We'll keep in touch and arrange something soon. Oh Val you are definitely nearly there now!! Angie xx

  2. Oh Angie you know me so well. We will be in the Wynnum/Manly area from end November to end December so yes, drinks and a meet up would be lovely.

    I sent the final VAC payment via Dhl on Monday using a personal ANZ cheque. I know they don't really approve but tough! We could have our 143 by the end of the month.

    Lets all keep in touch, Val x


    Hi Val. Are you just going for a holiday first before moving for good?

    So glad you're up for a get together - will try and arrange something for December if possible! Angie x

  3. Hi Angie,


    That will be lovely. Lets keep in touch and when we are all settled in we can arrange something.

    Hope all goes well for you.

    I'm starting to look for work now. I hope I soon get fixed up with something.

    We also have to find a car in the next week.

    It doesn't end once you get here as there's so much to sort out at this end!


    Very best wishes


    Nutmeg xx


    Hi Nutmeg. I can well believe it'll continue be all go when we are out there. I thought once we sold the house and got our visas then everything would calm down but no we're still waiting for a rest!! Some hope! Anyway we're looking forward to meeting up with everyone when we are settled. Good luck with the job hunting and finding a car! Angie xx

  4. Hi all, well I'm very pleased to say that we have exchanged contracts on the sale of our house today - to say it "went down to the wire" is an understatement, as we had decided (through sheer frustration with the whole process - plus the shenanigans of the buyers) that we would withdraw today if it didn't happen by close of business, and rent it out for a year or so.


    So shippers booked for the 19th and flights 23rd September. :biggrin:


    Yippee!! What a stressful few weeks you have had Val!! At least it is coming to an end now and you've booked your flights - how fantastic. You will be all settled by the time we come out. Are you still on for that drink? Looks as though there could be a few others joining us! It will be good to share the ups and downs we have all gone through. Angie x

  5. How easy is it to get an OZ bank account whilst still in the UK and how (cheapest way) of transferring money to it? is there a certain amount you can transfer at a time, without cost, or is it per say £1000.00 ?? hope someone can help...


    Tab xx


    Hi Tab. It was very easy for us. We opened a current and iSaver account with NAB on line. Just submitted a form and they opened the accounts within a few days. I think you can transfer any amount but you can't withdraw money until you visit the branch in Australia to activate the account. You are allocated a dedicated banker and make an appointment to see them when you arrive in Oz. Couldn't be simpler really. Hope this helps. Angie

  6. Hi Guys,


    I would like to wish you every happiness in Australia and maybe some time we might meet in Brisbane for a drink.

    All the best


    Nutmeg xx


    Hi Nutmeg. So happy for you! It be lovely for all of us in the Brisbane area to meet up for a drink (or two)! Val and Matt have mentioned it and I know Val (Vava) is moving to the same area as us - I'm sure she won't take much persuading to join us! :) Angie x

  7. A quick update - we've now been here almost one week and what a week it has been! We've done so much in such a short space of time. My mother was here visiting our daughter when we arrived and we have just waved her off to the airport. That has meant we have had to factor in her sightseeing too! Our grandsons have been unwell since before we came and the youngest has bronchiolitis. We've been helping out with the night shifts and coupled with the jet lag, we are not sure if we are on our heads or heels. But isn't that why we all want to be here - to be with the grandchildren come what may?!

    So far we have signed a 12 month lease on a 2 bed unit in Eleebana overlooking Lake Macquarie and we are fully in there from tonight. We have bought a previously loved red (easy to see in the car park!!!) Holden Commodore station wagon which doubles as a removal truck! We've registered the car, got our NSW driving licenses, registered for Medicare, been to a garage sale, found a great number of deals on Gumtree including a barbecue and temp washing machine and basically found our feet. It is amazing what you can do in under a week. Do some research on cars and rentals in your area before you get here - it means you can hit the ground running as we did. Oh and the iPad with the maps app has made a fantastic SatNav. (I scarily sound as if I know what I am talking about there!!!)


    Can't stop to chat too long, I'm stalking a fridge on Ebay! BBest wishes all - it is well worth the sleepless nights, sweat and tears - oh and the money too!


    So pleased to hear that you are settling in so quickly Kim but sorry to hear your grandsons have been unwell. We've been told about Gumtree by our daughter and it sounds great - can't wait to have a go ourselves. Hubby has researched cars and he has something in mind to buy when we get there. Isn't it fantstic that everything can be sorted on the internet now - it just makes life so much easier. Keep us updated. Angie

  8. Hi guys good luck with the move, I live in the redlands at Wellington Point, such a lovely place to be. Also hoping to get my parents out here soon. I would love to know how you settle in and also how you go with making friends and everything (some news to tell my parents and hopefully make it easier for them to move here)


    Good luck


    Hi. We will definitely let you know how things go when we are over there. We will be living in Birkdale so not far from you. Our grandchildren go to Redlands College in Wellington Point. You are right - it's such a lovely area! Hard to believe that we will soon be there! Angie x

  9. How does emergency health cover work in Oz for our age group.


    My daughter has a 'bulk bill' doctor so I understand that and I know UK had a reciprocal agreement with Oz but what happens if you for example took suddenly ill or had an accident that required hospital treatment/stay?


    Way my healths been the past 15 months feel I need tto clarify this :swoon:




    Hi Phoebe


    I need to research the whole medical thing more myself but I can let you know the experience we had 2 years ago when we visited our daughter in Brisbane. Unfortunately 2 days into the holiday hubby suddenly developed pains in his chest. Luckily it turned out to be nothing serious but he received emergency treatment locally and then they sent him by ambulance to the main hospital in Brisbane central to stay overnight for observation. Didn't cost a thing not even for the ambulance - they said everything was covered by the reciprocal arrangement with the UK. This is how it works if you are a visitor and I'm pretty sure emergency treatment etc is covered by Medicare but not the ambulance when you have permanent residency. Hope this helps. Angie x

  10. How about meeting for a drink "on the other side"?


    We would love that Val. I'll PM our telephone number and address when we are all in Oz. Our flight is booked for 19 October - flying with Singapore Airlines for extra baggage allowance. Starting to count down the days now!! I hope everything goes okay with exchange of contracts on your house today. Angie x

  11. Well that's all our belongings gone! I have to say that the two guys from John Masons did a fantastic job packing our things and everything went really smoothly. Would definitely recommend them. We complete on the house tomorrow and then it's goodbye to our family home of 31 years. Strangely neither of us feel sad, we haven't had time to stop and think; it's just been full on for the last few weeks. It will great to just chill out for a while!! I think this calls for another glass of wine! Ha ha!! Angie x

  12. Hi I'm too thinking about applying for CPV and like you my main anxiety is will I survive on my pension with the rate of exchange being so low. I won't be able to apply until my daughter has been a PR 2 years so that won't be till next year so any information would be advantageous - its a huge decision - a very costly one at that.


    Hi there. Welcome to PIO. You will certainly get loads of advice and support here from those who currently are or have already gone through the CPV process. It's not a cheap option at all and I can understand your anxiety over finances. If you get time, take a look back over previous posts on this thread. One piece of advice we went with was to 'drip feed' money to Oz once we had applied for our 143 - it helped even out the fluctuating exchange rate. Best of luck. Angie

  13. Hi Angie, we haven't booked our flights yet - waiting to exchange contracts on the house first. Still unsure if it will happen or not. Talk about a stressful week - last Tuesday our buyers pulled out, just as we were travelling down to Cornwall. Obviously we were devastated, but thought, well, it wouldn't stop us leaving for Oz by the end of Sept as planned. So by Wednesday we had got used to the idea the house was back on the market again, and we planned to book our flights when we got home. But then we got a call from the Estate Agents to say that the buyers would proceed for £20,000 less! How despicable and underhand is that!!! So we told them to "shove it where the sun doesn't shine" - we were so angry and upset. And all the time we were trying to enjoy our holiday! The next day they said they would proceed for £10,000 less. We had to do a lot of soul searching and weigh up the pros and cons, (they are cash buyers etc, etc) and eventually agreed to their "blackmail". It's completely taken our excitement away and we now feel very deflated. We still want to go to Oz just as much, probably even more so now.


    Just hoping to put this down in words would be therapeutic. I think we feel so bad because we fell into their trap, they knew our circumstances and had us over a barrel - we just want to start our new life with all the loose ends tied up.


    I'm sure we'll bounce back, but we're holding our breath until we (hopefully) exchange contracts on Friday - so fingers and everything else crossed for us!

    Val x


    Oh Val! That's just horrible - and at this late stage too. We were dreading the same thing happening to us. We had to take a big 'hit' on the price of our house initally anyway, either that or rent it out but we were not keen on that option at all. Like you we want to tie all the loose ends up. Definitately be keeping everything crossed for you! Chin up - all this will be behind you soon! Angie x

  14. Hi Ted and Angie

    Congratulations on your Visa, haven't been logging on the PIO lately (too busy getting ourselves ready for Spring, gardening, playing bowls, looking after the grandchildren etc., etc) but so happy to see the good news. Good Luck with the final stages of your move. Gill


    Hi Dave and Gill. Sounds like you have really settled into your new life in Oz. I hope it will be the same for us. I'm getting scared now! :unsure: Angie x

  15. Congratulations to all you lucky people who have recently been granted visas. I wish you well on your journeys, Although my acknowledgement was only in June I am quite surprised at how fast time is going and hopefully this time next year I will be in Oz if house has sold, whether visa granted or not. Started de-cluttering today up in the loft so I feel I am doing something constructive.



    Cath, you will there before you know it!

    We started de-cluttering the house about 12 months ago and slowly continued throughout the year. It makes it so much easier and also begins the process of 'letting go'. Doing it gradually we found it wasn't so painful. I have been busy today putting the last bits and pieces on Freecycle and then a few trips to the local tip should clear the rest. Angie x

  16. Hi

    Has anyone used the parent queue calculator on the DIAC website? If so how reliable is it?


    My parents applied for a 143, date of acknowledgement 19 June this year. On 23 july when my dad checked, they were 110 in the 143 queue. On 23 August they were 60 in line! We assumed this was due to the new financial year and new quota of visas available.


    He has now been back-checking and sees that those who got acknowledgement on 6 June 2012 are listed as 30 in line, and they (only 13 days later) are 60. They are coming to Perth on a 3 month visitors visa in 2 weeks time, and now wondering if they should do their medicals before they come! I am cynical about the queueing system and don't want them to get their hopes up as it seems much to quick.


    Has anyone got insight into this queue calculator? Any personal experiences of it would be greatly appreciated.




    Hi Michelle. We did start looking at the queue calculator when we first lodged our application but to be honest it really doesn't appear to work too well. Your best way of judging how quickly the process takes is to have a look at the tracker that was set up by another parent. This gives a good indication of timescales from start to finish. Here's the link: http://www.chireckles.com/cpv/tracker.php. Hope this helps. Angie

  17. Hi All, just saw on the tracker list that two others have gotten their CO's, great to see it moving. Just wondering if it was just the letter asking re medicals and Form 80 etc that is being sent out in advance of CO being appointed or was it actually appointing a CO. The acknowledgement dates were in August. Not complaining though as my acknowledgement date is 6th September 2011 and If I'm lucky I could get a CO sooner than expected.




    Hi Fran. Our experience was that we were asked to have our medicals and police checks done to 'speed' the process up prior to being allocated a CO. We found out we had a CO allocated by accident when we emailed over the PC's. Immigration sent back an email stating we must post them FAO our CO and gave us his name. However it was only when were contacted directly by our CO that things really started moving. He asked both of us to complete a Form 80. We did this and emailed the forms and other relevant paperwork over to him. We had intended posting but hubby telephoned our CO and he was happy for the forms to be emailed. Very shortly afterwards we had an letter emailed to us asking for the 2nd VAC. Once the payment was received in Perth it was just days for the Visa to be granted. Others may have had a different experience. I guess it depends on who your CO is. Angie x

  18. Hello everyone and thank you for your good wishes and kind words.


    Val - Had to smile at your post about the reply you usually get from immigration; 'blah blah'; it's just so true! :cute: Enjoy your holiday and yes make them wait for the dosh!!


    John and Eirian - talking of dosh you're right it is strange how we can't wait to pay the big amount over and yet I'm forever shopping around looking to save a few pence! Crazy or what? :frown:

    Angie x

  19. Crickey Moira! We forgot all about that one! I'll do some research and let you know! Angie x


    Me again Moira. Just had a look on the internet and there are a number of companies offering cover for one-way travel. I managed to get a quote on a site called go-walkabout and for a one way trip up to 5 days based on aged 17 - 64 they are quoting £60.90 for a couple travelling together and £35.05 for an individual. I'll have a look on other sites when I get a chance. Hope this helps. Angie x

  20. Hi everyone


    Been a while since I posted (still battling with hospitals :swoon:


    So good to read all the great posts congrats to all who are now on their way :biggrin: so happy for you all and to those of you with OH still uncertain if it's the right thing to do.......I know exactly where your coming from :daydreaming:




    Hi Phoebe. Lovely to hear from you again but so sorry to learn that you are still suffering health problems. I do hope things improve for you soon. We have just paid over the 2nd VAC and just waiting for confirmation that we have our visas. The sale of our house completes next Friday and the shippers are in the day before. Both hubby and I are working our notice at work. I should feel excited, and I do most of the time, but my feelings are mixed with waves of guilt over leaving family behind - Arghhh! .....life's never easy!!

    Wishing you all the very best! Angie x

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