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Robarts Family

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  1. Robarts Family


    Hi, I think you have to follow your heart and like Quoll said dont burn your bridges, don't see it as if you move you have to stay there forever if it isn't working. We moved back to the Uk 19 months ago after living in Oz for the same amount of time. We want to move back to Oz but fear the telling family, and extremely worried what if it doesn't work again. We have two young children, and thinking of there futures. I feel for them Australia will be better for them. That's not to say Uk is wrong but now I am back, with a lot of friends here and family, people move on and things are never the same when you have left. I think that's because we know what it is like to move on. It's lovely being with family but I have to think what's best for my little family now and feel its over there. Life is very very different here. Good luck with your decisions. x
  2. Part of me feels bad for asking the question!! But thankyou anyway for your help. There are city in guilds qualifications in floristry in the UK it is a skill and I am currently studying on have diploma level two which it actually goes up to level five degree level. I will go onto level three for my personal achievement. Thanks again, I think
  3. Hi Ere, I have noticed florists are on a list but wondered if they are they in demand? If they are how long would it take to process and would it be a permanent visa? thanks
  4. Hi all, does anyone know if florists are on any list or required at all? What would be needed if so? Thanks in advance.
  5. I understand your situation Wintry woman. We moved to Perth for 18 months. Had a baby there but due to family bereavements and missing family not having help or friends even though we tried etc that network we moved back to the UK. One year on, even though Perth was so so lonely I find myself really really missing it. Strange I know. But now I am home it's not how it was. People, friends move on. You also change as well. Think very carefully. I think we regret moving back to UK but not got the heart to move back and upset all again. Scared we will move back and then miss UK again.
  6. We lived in Perth for 18 months but moved back to Uk. Had a 3 yrs old really missing family and then had another baby out there. No help and I found things really hard even though hubby loved his job. Now been back a year in Uk, and really really miss Australia. We are not sure what to do, or for the best. Given it a good go here but hubby hates his job here. Nice being with people but not sure what's best for the future, tank you are right you miss certain things in each country having experienced both. With regret we should have stayed longer in Perth even though found things extremely hard.
  7. Thanks to everyone with their opinions and views. They have been so helpful. We won't rush into anything, and are fortunate we have time on our hands. I am only 33 so feel I can wait a while before deciding whether to up sticks again. I will definitely get my floristry qual here so that could be used elsewhere. I do keep thinking though, even though we thought it was better for our children to be back with their grandparents and cousins. Their future lives as a whole may well be better in Australia for them. Just wish I could see in the future and have a crystal ball to know what is for the best for our family. Thankyou again though really do appreciate what you have all written. X
  8. Thanks Rhain1 and also Peach and everyone else for that matters. There probably is hypocrisy in what I have wrote and I do agree funnily enough but I can't help my emotions. You think you are making the right decisions for your family. But then you don't know until you try. Least we had the guts to try. I am just pointing out that there are good and bad things anywhere and once you have tried something new you are aware of this. If you don't try then those will never know as they are safe not leaving there home town. I definatly won't rush into anything and will wait until the kids are a little older. I think we just were abit naive but it has made us stronger for sure. I also think I am pretty sure I am not the only one that has been in this situation and not wrong for having uncertainties about what best in life. All I do know is I do not have any regrets for actually trying it even though it didn't work out in the end.
  9. Hi, I exaggerated its actually really nice today! x
  10. Thanks for your responses. To be honest Sydney I think we would have stayed longer but. Unfortunately had a lot of problems which just so happened when were in PErth. Both my husbands Nans died which he was close to. We had a baby out there but my child ended up back in hospital after three weeks old for a week and we had no one to help us or support us. I think looking back we jumped at coming home to have support but we do look back and question a lot of things and think yes we should had stuck longer and tried. But it was very very hard with a three year old and a new born. I was very very lonely and also poorly. I do understand all of this was our choice and no one has to tell us that. But we genuinley thought it would be better moving back. It is lovely being with everyone. But just not sure it's right. Thanks again. X
  11. Ps sorry didn't answer one of the questions. I think we are so much stronger now then ever before. We would miss everyone but are quite strong now. X
  12. We in hindsight wished we tried Melbourne or Brisbane but rushed back here instead. Our area is fine and our house is beautiful I love it. But in general I meant its not clean the streets. Shops closed down. Jobs are about but you cant be choosey. Etc etc. we moved back really for friends and family but not sure that's the right reasons to move back..great being with them, But everyone has there own lives. Ok the kids see there grandparents once a week but is it enough. My husband was on a 457 visa in telecoms fibre so pretty sure he could get a job but would need a sponsor again. Even his old company loved him and have stayed in touch as they didn't want him to leave. I am training now as a florist which i did wonder whether i could get a business visa as that is what i am hoping to do here. It's strange how you forget the bad things but remember the good things. When we were in Oz all will talked about is England. Now back all we talk about is Oz. I sound like I am moaning sorry. Just so so confused. Thanks for your replies though. Xx
  13. Hi all, we lived in Perth for 18 months for my husbands job which he loved and had a really good prospects. We moved back to the Uk last November due to classic missing friends and family as we didn't really make hardly any friends in Perth. I had a 2nd child out in Perth who was then ill. My husbands two Nans passed away whilst in Perth and well we were so lonely and homesick. My other daughter who is now four is so close to her grandparents she cried every time she saw them on Skype and was so lonely and homesick without cousins or friends we felt it best to move back to the Uk. I never ever thought I would say this but not sure if we have made the right decision. i feel terrible with emotions how people have really been put through it, but I know my husband and I are just not settled. People have their own lives and nothing at all changes when you move back. the place is really messy and not beautiful. the weather is dyer!! Aleays raining you can never ever plan anything and its quite depressing everyday, My daughter on the other hand is so happy being back with family. But my husband got back into BT his old company but hates it. i am training to be a florist here which makes me think could I do it back there. we just don't know what to do for the best. It will break our families hearts if we put them through it again. But I just feel there is better things there for our family and prospects even though we were lonely. My husband and I are stressed here as we are always busy seeing people which is ironic as its the total opposite to Perth but we were so close there together as a family. I am so confused just don't know what to do for the best. all I would say if people we thinking of moving back things don't change only you have as you have experienced something different which will always make you wonder. should you be happy in life or content who knows...?? thanks for reading, x
  14. Hi All, We are based in Perth and moving back to the UK. We have our 2007 Ford Escape XLS,Saturn Silver 4 X 4 For Sale. Beautiful condition,Bought from Ford only 1 previous owner and only 92k on the clock so very low miles..Comes with tinted windows and tow bar Inc.Lots of extras with full service history and registered for 6month's.. This all for a hugh BARGAIN price of 14 thousand dollars If you would like to know any more details please message myself and I'll be happy to help with any questions. Thanks Jo.
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