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Posts posted by Lurkio

  1. Just repeating what others have said. Don't rush into anything. Take your time and be certain that you even want to stay. The standard of building here is unlikely to be what you are used to. The construction appears to me to be shoddy - think Barrett Homes! Having said that, it is fun to plan your dream house. Just be prepared for the budget to skyrocket. And really ... One plug socket per room is standard.

  2. Supply and demand. People are leaving WA in droves. The Kiwis, Irish, Poms ... First time I was looking for a house there would be 12 or more people at every viewing. Now there are one or two and often none at all and the viewing is cancelled. High quality properties in the Secret Harbour/Rockingham/Baldivis areas have seen significant rent reductions by as much as 100 bucks a week in some cases. Properties are taking longer to rent at significantly lower rents.


    From my own experience the only landlords that are likely to accept chunks of rent in advance are those doing it privately. I'm told that if it is being done all above board through an agency it seems to be more trouble than it is worth.


    There are apartments and units at around 200 bucks. There are 3x1 units as low as 260. But be warned that they are often utter dumps in lousy areas that you may not want to live in.

  3. Obviously not medical advice, but we've been here 3 years and the beloved hubster has had the flu twice! There are people here from all over and they are concentrated in small areas. Maybe there are different strains that we Poms haven't been in contact with previously? But amyway - flu jab!!!!!

  4. And once you get PR then you're back on the Immi treadmill to get Citizenship. We moved over with PR and only recently understood that our PR visa only lasts for 5 years then you have to renew with another 5 year visa. After that you can only get one year at a time...

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