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Posts posted by pablo

  1. One of my few reasons, perhaps the only one, to go back to England, is to do The Beatles tour.


    Did you know that Liverpool in England is named after a town in New South Wales!!!!


    Is it Dave.................very good lol!

  2. Born and bred Scouse here... I'd say no worse than any other city in England... we all have good and bad parts...


    I love the fact that we are friendly and have a sense of community, some people like it others don't...


    Love the quote 'Is it safe to take children there?' do people think there are no children in Liverpool? Anyway thats just me being defensive of a city that is a treat to live in.. however I am going to OZ very soon :)


    I'd say to anyone to make a visit at least once.... Lots to do...


    He was only joshing mate,no worries,we've took a lot more crap than that about our city in the past,dont think Newjez was being a t##t fwiw

  3. Ok. What's an RRV? I don't know much about this visa mullarkey.


    Residents return visa,im not living there tho,so im 99% i wont get one,they issue 3 month and 1 year ones,but i'll try anyway,if i dont get it/dont get to Aus?maybe its just not meant to be for a reason?

  4. Don't really drink in widnes. Have been a few times but came home early coz it was rubbish. I work in warrington and have been on a few nights out there too and found that was just as bad. So unless the drinking is in liverpool I don't bother ha ha. My son lives in huyton. He loves it there. Where in oz are you going?


    Nowhere in Aus now i dont think,cant sell the hse,Visa runs out july,gonna apply for an RRV but dont think i'll get one,WAS going to South Australia,Victor Harbor was the target,dead quiet place tbh,but i need that,spent too many years living a debauched life if im honest,gotta calm down eventually (he says!)

  5. Maybe I'll see you there. My friend always insists on singing harper valley PTA. I only get up and sing if there's not enough room in the pub lol.


    Ha ha,good for you girl!i was brought up not far from Widnes in Huyton,used to drink in Widnes yrs ago,the Ring o bells etc

  6. Pablo, I love love love coopers. My friend always drags me into the blob. But that's a different story.


    I only ever go out in my scruffs In Liverpool? Ok well maybe not total scruffs but I don't glam up. I go out about 2pm on sat and get the last train home and have an absolute ball. I have spent time chatting to a group of Canadian fellas in uniform :wink:, a man from New York, loads of Irish and Scottish people, a group of German students, and they have all said that they love liverpool. There are so many different people. But best of all is fashion. Liverpool women have the ability to make anything look fashionable IMO.


    The Blob lol,i love a Yatesys aussie white meself!yeah,i tend to do the same as you,out early saturday afternoon,train (or cab) home about 10 ish,well sometimes the 10 ish doesnt pan out,but thats always my plan!

    Theres so many tourists now isnt there,loads of Irish,and hen and stag nights too,be out meself on National day hopefully,good day out,not as chocker as St Patricks day,but great day anyway

  7. Lol thats how mum felt, she'd bought a new dress etc but still felt horrible. I think i'd stay away from those types of pubs - i feel bad enough about myself as it is!


    Ahhh,i wouldnt feel bad about the way you look,not being a perv,but youre a very pretty girl dimples,as has been said some girls do go out dead glammed up,but in the pubs i go its not all like that,go the top Beehive,Coopers,the Globe,bottom Beehive,Cavern,the Grapes etc,and yes theyre dressed up,but no more than any other towns pubs,im sure you'd hold your own against anyone girl

  8. No worries Pablo! It will always keep drawing me back - there's just something about it! And there is only one other place which ties with the feeling I get in Liverpool - and that is Dublin - just really friendly folk - not bothered about where you're from - will give their time talking to anybody. Crikey, I should work for Liverpool tourism! :)


    Lol,yes,were right nose diseases! wanna know the ins and outs of a ducks arse within 5 minutes of meeting someone!

  9. How many times have you been to liverpool wendee ?........let me guess ......errrrrrrrr none .......that was the impression i had until i worked there .....it aint las vegas .....but very few places have there own defined spirit ......liverpool has it ......you are either in it or you you aint .

    Its not like the west midlands where brum rolls into wolverhampton or coventry .....its very defined

    The only other place i have ever been where i could say the city had a soul ....an energy was san francisco .......you cant build it ......having sunshine doesnt guarantee it ........i worked in toxteth and kenny , which are rough....... but i would rather work and have a beer there , than in inner city birmingham.


    Nice one Bunbury,and HLS,Galahad etc

  10. Liverpool's on my list. Is it safe to take children there?


    :smile:It is Newjez,take a walk down by the waterfront,the Albert Dock,the new canal link in front of the three graces(Liver,Cunard,Port of Liverpool Building),also,the Crypt in the RC Cathedral,or a trip up the Tower in the Protestant cathedral

    Great city for a night out "if" thats your thing,we dont bite,honest! were all well aware we had a bad rep for being bolshy,argumentative kinda thing,and its probably true going on other cities ive worked in,we do tend to wear our heart on our sleeve,like yer?we tell yer,we dont like yer?we will tell yer as well,very straight talking people in general.

    A cpl of people on here have lived and worked here,Millie,3 fat cats(Naomi),and im glad they liked it here,for me,they are one of ours now(doesnt matter they werent born here)as long as you ignore past reputations,you should have a good day out up here,speaking personally,im very happy theres so many tourists come here now,especially Irish tbh,it got tiresome working away and listening to all the old stereotypical scouser comments tbh,so its good some of them have been dispelled in recent times.



  11. To me its a great city,tiny compared to London etc,but the part its had to play in world history is well in excess of its size.

    Would i choose it to move to for work?no,its not the best area,but if your jobs in demand it wont matter

    We had a bad rep,some deserved,some not,gonna do a bit of stereotyping here but anyway....

    The city centre is transformed,but the council(like other councils)needs to look at deprived areas as well.

    Loads of nice areas to live,but for me its the people who make my city,if yer a shrinking violet its not for you,if yer like people being straight/wearing their heart on their sleeve?then move here:wink:

  12. Wow,

    I'm trying to eat more fish lately, bought a basa fillet from Coles, $12 a kg btw...half that in Woolies!! It was gorgeous!! Tasted fit for human consumption to me? I just oven baked it in foil with olive oil, pepper and lemon


    Ive bought it meself a few times lately Fi,i liked it tbh,beginning to wonder now!

  13. Went to a chippy in Christies Beach(i think Bob:wideeyed:),having a chinwag with the owners,got "fish and chips",wasnt "the same" tbh mate,but it wouldnt be would it to be fair!:twitcy:

    Think one was a "gummy shark?"(clueless me mate!),and some other fish,no way was it as good as cod and chips tbh,but d'yer know what was?..............

    The owner and his wife ran after us as we were getting in the car and insisted on giving us two pots of their home made tartar sauce and some bits and bobs to try,wouldnt take any money at all.

    Then they said "give our love to Ireland",never had the heart to say were from liverpool,REALLY nice touch tho,im sure i'l meet halfwits who dont like poms,but Aus is the ONLY place in the world were people have actually got maps out and shown me where im going and took 5/10 minutes out of their own time.

    So much so that i actually felt guilty asking tbh,didnt wanna put them out kind of thing,just wanted general directions...

    Anyway,fish and chip related so im not offtopic THIS time!:wubclub::biggrin:

  14. I am f"£$ED then. I start my job March this year. Haven't sorted spouse visa or other half. Just lost childrens citizenship papers so cant arranged Ausie passp[orts for them. Haven't a chance of paying off all bills. Have only just got a xouple of quotes on shipping, have 3 pets to make plans for, flights to book and pay for.................................. oh and no accomodation sorted for when I arrive. Job contract to be signed tomorrow..........it was an expected job offer.


    * heads oiff for a glass of wine, weeping openly*



    Its a good list,but i doubt you will be the only one who isnt as organised as the people who made the list are,the list is for a perfect world,im 100% "I" wont be that organised,im sure you'l be ok,best of luck anyway

  15. You are so lovely, but remember I made it a sticky just for you so you don't need to bump as its always at the top:wubclub::notworthy:


    :laugh:Dont know if i'l ever need it tbh Kate!:rolleyes:just handy for people isnt it,i can never find it to point people in the right direction anyway:goofy:,thx for stickying:unsure: it tho:wubclub:

  16. Ok ok I get the hint, you now have a new sticky :tongue: On this new software we can even create articles out of posts, so leave it with me (will be after Christmas) and I'll get an article uploaded.


    Thx tatty ead,i have asked about 367 times to be fair:biggrin:,nah i think its a no brainer,dead handy isnt it,we've got it ourselves tbh,more for others im thinking,in me saintly mode:angel_happy_face_ha,yer a good girl Kate:ssign20::ssign7:

  17. Thx Kelly,so IS this a sticky now? still not sure how i'd find it tbh:confused:,isnt there a particular section where they are then?i just go into my subscriptions if anyone asks about it,only way i know of finding it tbh

    The long haired one downloaded the list to our puter,dont know if we'll ever need it the way the hse sales going or NOT going!:laugh:

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