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the hutchies

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the hutchies last won the day on February 16 2009

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About the hutchies

  • Birthday 08/06/1968

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    <p>Hi Lisa</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yes we did have a good win today, enjoyed the game. Sophies team won 4-1 today, three wins from 3 games, so good going, she hurt her finger in training on tuesday and its still swollen and bruised so she played for about 2/3 of the game today and they had to put an outfielder in goal. </p>

    <p>Feeling down with the whole oz process, we are having to go for state sponsorship and up until this week two states had stus job on theirs, this week SA dropped his job and that now leaves us only with ACT. Stu also appied for a job in IBM, exact match of his job in melbourne, was told short listed by the big boss and sent all info JD and visa stuff because it was a 457 then HR told him emailed him saying not suitable, so havent got a clue what they are playing at, so that was a disappointment. Will pick myself up next week and move forward. catch up with you soon. Hope you sort something out with the house soon, xxxx</p>


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