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Posts posted by northernbird

  1. Unfortunately we are not in a position to rally other States to change their policies and are only in a position to change our own back yard. There really is no expert on the subject, it is just about what benefits you as an individual see, and if you believe you would benefit of having an extra hour after work as opposed to before work, then you would be for daylight savings. Not everyone will be for it and that is perfectly understandable, but my position is that it will be beneficial for a great majority socially and economically and I think for most people it is a matter of not being aware of the benefits that they would rather vote no to keep the status quo.


    It is not about convincing those who would vote 'no' to change their mind. That's not going to happen. It is about the very high percentage of people who are indifferent or not educated on the benefits of Daylight Savings and making them aware of the benefits so they can make an informed decision.


    Obviously I am a no voter but if I was on the fence explain to me how I would benefit socially to having an extra hour of daylight in the evening.

  2. Never truer words were spoken!


    Best to just move over here and totally embrace all the new food tastes and brands etc.....


    Learn to adapt and go with the flow


    The worst thing you can do is constantly compare and keep doing exchange rates in your head!


    It costs what it costs - the quicker you get use to it - the happier you will be.


    There is nobody happier about making Australia their home than me. However, there are a couple of ingredients that just aren't duplicated in the Australian market so I have to go to the British shop to get. I've tried doing without them but I can't and neither can my family. Sadly a trip to the British shop ends up being expensive because we buy far more than we went in for!!

  3. I wrote to the Head and didn't request anything. We were leaving at the end of a term so had a normal school report which incidentally the school here weren't interested in. Many aren't as they like to assess the children in their new environment.

  4. My OH is Australian and he lived in the UK for 12 years give or take when he wasn't travelling around other countries. He used to meet up with loads of Aussies in a pub in Camden, London and I'd tag along. They were all having a great time. Never heard anybody slagging England.


    I worked in London for a large global telecoms firm for almost 10 years and worked with loads of Australians. Never heard them whining either.

  5. Well I wanted nice weather for starters ! Niaeve I may of been but hey we all human ! And also jobs yes research we did on the job front ! ! It's that things to a down turn as we arrived ! my oh has the skills they need here that is not my issue my issue is how it's been ! So when u spent thousands of dollars pig arsing around for a job when I know it was good in UK I'm thinking what the hell have I done wouldn't anybody ! He's earned a lot of money but we've not seen it for the cost of moving around just for a job ! ! Even the ozzies know if FEED isn't busy then it's going create a knock on effect ! My oh can work in Australia at skill level one has all the desired skills ! So what research didn't we do what is the problem tell me because I'm gob smacked this has happened ! You work so hard in UK get where u wanna be fancy a change nothing wrong with that ! And it's **** from the minute u arrive basically ! Although coming through it now but 3 sodding yrs of ploughing money in it to make it work ! I'm not the bank of pigging England :)


    My ex husband is in oil and gas and is currently working overseas and has been for 4 years now. The oil and gas situation the world over is pretty dire at the moment and according to my ex is unlikely to improve in the short term.

  6. I think a successful migrant keeps an open mind to new things. Someone who does the correct research prior to moving to a new country and I don't just mean about housing, schooling and cost of living. There are many wonderful things about the UK that cannot be replicated to the same degree in Australia. Expecting Australia to be like UK with sun just because it's an English speaking country makes someone a bit naive IMO. I still do not know to this day what makes a family who lives around the corner from close family members, people who have an active social life and good quality of life just decide to emigrate. To say it's unlikely to work in the long term is an understatement IMO.

  7. It is a very painless process to change over. You go to your nearest driving centre. Take a ticket, fill in a form, get called to the counter, pay a fee, read an eye test on the wall and that's it. It is worth doing earlier rather than later as it is a very useful form of ID. Do remember as well in WA it is an offence to drive without having your license with you


    No that's incorrect. I recently had my purse stolen which contained my driving licence. I indicated to the police when I report it that I was concerned about driving without having it in my possession and they told me not to worry as it wasn't an offence in WA.

  8. What is it if it's not reality TV? I'm over them all. There is heaps of talent out there, you only have to go to an open Mike night or go and see a few local bands to realise that, You get them without the sob story and having to listen to judges and watch lots of adverts too.


    Once you start watching they hook you in though. There's less and less about the talent and more and more about the sob story and the invented arguments, usually between female judges, to keep people watching. A one hour show might have about 10 minutes (if you're lucky) of talented people doing there thing. Too much padding for my liking.


    This is where I get annoyed too. My youngest auditioned for The Voice Kids. She got down to the last 250 from 8000. She wasn't selected because she wasn't interesting enough or didn't have a sad story to tell. She is better than half of the finalists selected who were picked purely for their personalities or had a close sick relative etc etc.

  9. Why the SA comment though? Interested in your views as lots of SA accents at the school we are looking at

    PM me if you prefer


    It's hard to put into words. We were going to send our girls to LJBC, it's walkable and people I knew were happy with their kids going there. I have met lots of South Africans over the years and they are lovely. However, I find the religious ones a bit strange and when I went to LJBC to look around and attend the open evening I just got an odd feeling about them and how they approached religion. I'm not saying they provide a bad education or pastoral care, far from it but it just didn't sit right with me. If it feels right for you then go with it, I'm a firm believer in gut feelings.

  10. Yes, I know this has been covered before but interested in current opinion/thinking.


    Having put one child through the public system and not been overly happy we are going for private next time. Slowly discovering we should have had our name down about 9 years ago though....


    What are the benefits do you think? Is it worthwhile and in terms of wanting a faith based education for your child here in Australia it is essential as all church schools are private......what difference does this make?


    I often think you cannot compare UK and here because of that...if you want a Christian education here you are automatically in the private system.


    It very much depends on the child I think Fiona. My eldest hated private and is almost about to complete year 12 in what is considered a substandard public school. She is happy though which is the most important thing to me. My youngest is in private and loves it. It suits her and her personality. I would thoroughly recommend St Mark's if you are considering going private.

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