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DIY pet export - can anyone help?


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Hi folks,


We've decided to try to figure out how to send our dog to OZ without the help of a pet travel agent, but I'm coming unstuck when I try to figure out the airline ticket booking.


It seems that BA only deal with agents and not members of the public.


I also called Qantas in the UK and they said they can't help me either, despite the Oz website saying international bookings are possible.


Can anyone recommend an airline that will take direct bookings from the public?



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There was a thread on this a while back. Someone posted the DIY process in full (tho before rabies changes).


IIRC there are limited airlines that will ship without an agent. Forget BA/Qantas.


Check airlines like Cathay, Malaysian and so on. Just pull up the list of all the main flyers via Asia heading to Aus and don't deal with any dodgy airline or any you can't find decent reviews on etc. Although they may also require agent. Also I recall reading someone going the other way and shipping via Canada, but this was because of the breed of dog (snub nosed) and many airlines refusing to carry it or something.

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I don't think you can DIY anymore. We moved back to England last year and wanted our pooch to go with BA - they said they only take pets through agents now. In all honestly I'd wear the cost as it is a lot of hassle and you want to be sure everything is correct - and that your furry friend is as safe as he/she can be.Hope it goes well.

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