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advice plz


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hi everybody,me.son &hubby came back from qld in 2008 after 3yrs there,it was my chioce to come back,ever since ive hated being here,yes ive got family here & a beautiful grandson,but i we would really love to get back there,would like to hear any advice if theres any way it would be possible to get back thanks deb xx

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Guest Guest31881

Hi Deb,


I will move this to the Migration forum, You should get more replies there.


You will probably have to give a bit more information, the visa type and stuff like that.

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Guest GoldCoastMag

Have you spoken to an agent? I see your other thread says your oh's age and qualifications may make it difficult, but do you have skills and could be the applicant?


I hope you have some luck finding a way.

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Guest NeilanGemz



As mentioned previously mentioned, you'll have to give more details. There are always ways and means, the fact that you lived there for 3 years may well help too. Who did your OH work for when he was there? Have you tried them for help? Also if all else fails you could go on a visitor visa and try to gain an employer sponsored (obviously you would not be able to actually work on a visitor visa but it doesn't prevent you from speaking to potential employers) while there.


Hope this helps a little





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Guest GoldCoastMag

You can check the MARA website here. A registered migration agent (RMA) can advise on visa requirements, help an applicant lodge a visa application and deal with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on an applicant’s behalf, usually for a fee.


It will be worth a consultation if you can find a way to get a visa, wont it.


Best wishes

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