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anyone from lincolnshire area?

Guest bethandneil

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Guest bethandneil

:? hi there

what a fab site this is, went to oz in january for five weeks and absolutely loved it, now two months into visa application, everthings just gone off to the tra, so fingers crossed, hoping to go to Brisbane area or perth, not sure which yet. was just in the middle of a panick attack at the enormity of all this, when i found this site, am now firmly back on track and cant wait to get back to oz. :D

would love to hear from anyone who has been to/lived in Perth.

Beth. :roll:

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Guest Dilks Family

Hi beth and neil

we are from southwell notts so not too far away. we got our visa,s in march but have yet to sell the house !!!! sale fell through twice so still waiting.We are planning to move near to melbourne. But our friends have been in perth for nine weeks and love it. Their only problem is that house and land price,s are shooting up as there is a big demand.


Hope all goes well for you

Brian and family.

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Guest scoop

Hi Guys


From Boston, hoping to head for Queensland with boy nearly two years and three dogs :shock:


Good luck with all



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Guest bethandneil

hi there scoop,

we are from a village near grimsby, we to have two children aged 11 months and three, are hoping to go either brisbane or perth but cant really decide, everywhere looks fab, however melbourne was a touch too hot for us, we went to oz in january (to brisbane) and the weather in melbourne was apparently 50 degrees plus!!!! however i'd take that rather than the year round sludge in britain!!

hope all goes well for you,


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Guest scott&lisa

Hi Beth & Neil,


We're Scott & Lisa and we live down the road from you in the land of smoke and steel. Thanks Neil for letting me know about this site it's great. Lisa's addicted already! See you at work on Monday Neil!!


Hope TRA's going to plan. Are OE doing it for you or like us, did OE send it to a TRA agent (Heron Assess) in Aus?


Hope Neil's already mentioned us to you Beth!


Wish you both a stress free and fruitful application.


Scott & Lisa.

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Guest bethandneil

Hello scott and lisa


This is spooky!


Has Neil ever mentioned you???? has neil ever stopped filling me in on your progress more like!!


Hope you are both feeling euphoric at the prospect of oz, we are, well on most days, between feeling terrified and panick stricken, especially now we have entered the nasty world of rented accomodation!!


Oh well a means to an end i suppose,

would love to speak to you in person, arrange it with neil if possible


Beth. :shock: :D :shock:

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Guest scott&lisa

Hi Guys,


Oh yes. We'd go tomorrow if we could. As I'm sure you will already know, the house is sold but awaiting exchange of contracts and then lodging wth my (scott) parents for a couple of weeks while I work my notice. Hopefully my notice will only be a fortnight with holidays I should have left.

Both absolutely petrified of the enormity of it all but excited also. A bit like riding a huge rollercoaster for the first time!! Lisa is more scared of the thought of seeing any spiders than anything else I think!!

We'd like to meet up too and should arrange something. We never had the chance to talk to others in the process of applying / emigrating to Australia, because we didn't know anybody in that position. So for us it was quite solitary at times. Wished we'd heard about this site earlier. So yeh, we don't mind a bit sharing our experiences of it all with you both if it helps.


Scott & Lisa.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest nuttydebbie

Hi Beth and Neil


We were in Perth for Xmas and New Year - first visit to OZ. My brother-in-law and his family live in Perth - have been there for 8 years now and love it so much, they would never come back to UK. I never intended to visit OZ let alone move there, but it really is so nice, we just loved it. I know it was a holiday but it's gotta be better than what's going on in the UK at the mo, there's too many people here for such a small country. Anyway, we are going to Perth because the climate is so great - 44 degrees and can take it, that can't be bad. It's a lovely dry heat so no sweating buckets - well we didn't anyhow.


We are really looking forward to a more relaxed way of life and lots of smiling faces and sunshine!


Good luck.



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