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857 visa ..and the problem.

Guest cowboy

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Guest cowboy

hi everyone,

i have been granted a prmanent residency using rsms scheme and its been one month.i have previously worked for the company for 5 months while on my tr visa.

i wasent happy about the place before and was confused one stage to withdraw my visa application but i thought to stick for two year so that my future wil b good.but now the situation is getting more worse ..the relationship between the employer and me is breaking day by day..i havent provided the full time job as per the contract..nither the super ..the work enviroment is really worse and im doing the job of 3 person.i dont know how long i can cope all this ..im not sure what im going to do..as in such envorment if i continue working i m loss my brain..im so much stressed at present..can i inform diac and let the know about my situation..will my visa cancelled if i leave and tell them this is the case why i left ..besides i still want to work and serve in regional area.

what could be the respose frm diac..will they try to cancell my visa and i hv made genuine effort but the employer doesnot want to treat me like a employee and dosent maintain the agreement which was made in contract paper before?

please help me ..:arghh:

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Guest elvaretta

Hi Cowboy...I've not fulfill my 2 years contract either...Im not happy either...Im gonna resign at the end of financial year...so let you see...what will happen with me if it is happen. I dont think that visa will cancelled. cheers

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