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Bridging Visa while awaiting RSMS 857 Decision

Guest paulf55

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Guest paulf55



Wondering if there is anyone on here who could help me?


I have applied for the RSMS 857 Sponsorship visa and my girlfriend is listed as de facto. We have been given a bridging visa until the decision is made regarding our application. There is no specific type mentioned.


I have read through form 1024i about the bridging visas and this is where my question arises. I want to know if my girlfriend can get permission to work even though she is cuurentl here on a holiday visa?


Does the bridging visa over rule the existing holiday visa therefore allowing her to apply for permission to work?



Thank you for your time.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest KrazyCroc


Wondering if there is anyone on here who could help me?


I have applied for the RSMS 857 Sponsorship visa and my girlfriend is listed as de facto. We have been given a bridging visa until the decision is made regarding our application. There is no specific type mentioned.


I have read through form 1024i about the bridging visas and this is where my question arises. I want to know if my girlfriend can get permission to work even though she is cuurentl here on a holiday visa?


Does the bridging visa over rule the existing holiday visa therefore allowing her to apply for permission to work?



Thank you for your time.




Hey Paul,


Not pretty sure if ur girlfriend`s working holiday visa is the same like my partner`s Student visa, but my partner`s student visa ceased straight away when we were granted bridging visa and that allows her to work without any limitation. Thats all i can help u with, but once again im not quite sure about holiday visa. Anyway All the best for u and ur girlfriend!



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Guest Guest31881

A bridging visa normally takes on the conditions of the visa you were using before the bridging visa, So if on a tourist visa you will still be on those terms and conditions, But I believe you can apply for permission to work on the grounds of financial hardship.


Hopefully someone who has gone through this will be along to post soon.

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Guest paulf55

Thanks for the replies, I emailed DIAC last week so will let you know what the response is.


I think you are right about having to apply for working rights. I am just hoping the holiday visa isnt an issue.


Thanks for your input though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lightsview


Wondering if there is anyone on here who could help me?


I have applied for the RSMS 857 Sponsorship visa and my girlfriend is listed as de facto. We have been given a bridging visa until the decision is made regarding our application. There is no specific type mentioned.


I have read through form 1024i about the bridging visas and this is where my question arises. I want to know if my girlfriend can get permission to work even though she is cuurentl here on a holiday visa?


Does the bridging visa over rule the existing holiday visa therefore allowing her to apply for permission to work?



Thank you for your time.




Hi Paul,


My partner and I also applied for a RSMS subclass 857 visa a couple of weeks back. Have you been assigned a case officer yet? I'm still waiting for mine. Anyway DIAC sent us an email once our application was received and gave us our file number. In the email its written;



Your immigration status


A bridging visa has been granted to each of the applicants currently in Australia. This visa allows you to remain lawfully in Australia while the application is being processed. The bridging visa will only come into effect when any other visa you hold ceases and will remain in effect until 28 calendar days after you are notified of the decision on your application. The bridging visas will cease if you leave Australia. If you need to travel outside Australia while your application is being processed, please contact the department before you travel.

It is not necessary for you to have visa labels placed in your passports, however, you should keep this letter as evidence of the grant of this bridging visa. Further information about Bridging Visas is included in the attachment Form 1024i Bridging Visas.



As such I don't think the bridging visa will over rule the holiday visa, till the holiday visa ceases.

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