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Salary expectations


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Hi there, I am starting researching job opportunities in Canberra.


The occupation is project administrator, and I am looking at jobs with an open mind without assumptions on how much I should earn 3 weeks ofter landing in Canberra (if I ever will), based on the current labour market in South West England and (old) South Wales.


I have read that the average salary in OZ is just above 1200 per week and in Act is 1400 per week, which would give me a tentative minimum target salary between 65k and 75k, plus super annuation.


Would it be enough to support a family of 4 (2 kids, 1 and 4 yrs old) on a tight budget?


I am not expecting to find a very good job straightaway and from my point of view a lower rate in similar job is much preferred than unemployment. I am aware this is not everybody's preference at all:biggrin:



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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi Simone


ignore the current exchange rate, it has little bearing on Australian wages and the cost of living there. To have a smilar standard of living there as you do here in the uk, you need a wage of above $2 to £1. Although i don't know if it is dearer to live in Canberra, hopefully someone will let you know and best of luck.

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Guest madplumber2

Its perfectly possible to live in Australia on 50-60k, depending on where you live. Some cities can be expensive so you need to do your research. Don't fall into the trap of listening to people who say that you need to look for a job that's relative to $2 to the pound, it just doesn't simply work that way over here. We earn dollars and thats the mind set that we're staying in rather than trying to work out the UK equivalent .



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Great, thanks.


I'll try to work out a cashflow (kind of :D) to see if 50-60k budget is sustainable without draining savings and touching contingency money. I have already noticed that a number of expenses are going to hit hard dring the first few months there:

- short term accomodation,

- car + car insurance,

- rent + bond for long term accomodation.


Of course, a lot will depend on which suburb I will be living in and where I am going work. Car might not be as urgent as it seems from here. MORE RESEARCH!

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