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Guest beach babe101

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Guest beach babe101

In our house we are all going crazy because we have had are visa's.:yes: We are going in a few weeks and we are OUT OF ARE MINDS. We new this was going to happen sort of, and were ready for it to start but now i am not so shore. I packed all my stuff but i have had to go threw it again to condense it all. We have thrown a lot away and i thrown some more when i had to go threw it agan.Not shore if we are taking the christmas stuff yet so we have put them aside for now.We have the Pakers coming on friday and need to make our minds up quickly.Bye for now. xxx :wubclub:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi mate


i can't follow what you are saying, i can tell your in a panic, but your post is hard to follow.


Can you tell us whats the problem and do you need any help or advice?

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Guest beach babe101

Hi,If you don't mind me aking how old are you.And what i am trying to say in simple words is that My family is going mad and is there anything that you now about woodvale senior high school or any other schools near joondalup

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