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Guest Rangerider33

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I am in a problem here, would be great if some one have knowledge or can advise what should i do.


The problem is :


MY MA is charging me 5000 dollar additional work fees, and according to his invoice additional what he mentioned is : following up with immigiration regarding my case, send immigiration mails, talking with my employer, talking and sending me mails advising about next step, request from changing NON DRC to drc(i asked him to that). but its agents responsiblity to get the decision on the applicant case asap.


Please correct me guys, as per my knowledge what i am aware is that the agent fees is what we paid for to look after our case means following up for our case with immi or sending mails or meeting etc that what we pay him fees for but my ma charged me additional means 4500 dollar fees plus 4900 dollar additional..


any advise, what should i do, can i complaint to MARA AUTHORITY or please any help or advise will be appreciated.


Also guys one more thing if he wont waive off that additional fees, i was thinking to move from my CURRENT MA by handling case by my own means just following up with diac without ma....he hasnt done anything much on my case and charged me that much money until now....please advise how this will work it out means if i do it by my own and send an email to MA that i dont wont MA anymore on my case will it gona effect in anyway on my application or ?


can i ask him to return all my documents , if he says pay all first than what should i do because i cant pay that much money..


please guys any suggestions, any kind of advise or help will be appreciated....





You can withdraw his request. you will need to complete a form 956 ending appointment and then provide a form 1193 authorising the department to communicate with you.

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thanks kk for the reply

what did he do,

do u have any idea if i will change my ma or complaint agaist him or just email immi that i dont want ma to my application....in anyways its gona affect my application..

u know what he charged me for( just following up on my application with immi and meeting with me)





Hi sambo .... I heard this before ... My friends MA from sydney was charging him $5000 xtra for lodging DRC so he opted to lodge non drc... But i told him to complaint against him to DIAC to cancel his Authority.
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thanks kk


if i will change ma, do i have to pay his additional fees what he asked and will he return all of my documents....i m sorry, bit streesed thats why asking so many ques....been 8 months, nothing heared yet and just paying and paying....


Well i advice u to change ur MA immediately and go to gud one and new MA will do all the formalities to change MA.... Otherwise inform DIAC and carry on ur own if u confident.
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thanks kk


if i will change ma, do i have to pay his additional fees what he asked and will he return all of my documents....i m sorry, bit streesed thats why asking so many ques....been 8 months, nothing heared yet and just paying and paying....


Wow, his extra fees are more than I paid my ma for my whole application!

Did he warn you at the time that there would be extra fees? What does your contract say? And according to the immigration website you can't change an application to drc once it has gone in, so if he changed it before all he had to do was wait for all the documents at once and tick off a check list. The follow ups must indeed have been annoying for him, but if he was going to charge you more he should have told you before hand. Even then, that is an astonishing amount! I personally wouldn't expect as many follow ups as you have had by the sounds of it to be included. But still, that is SO much money. Maybe a couple of hundred $$. You really need to dig out your contract.


I don't think getting a new one will achieve much other than having tonpay more fees. It doesn't sound like he has put your application in drc, and he is still going to be expecting the money from you. If anything I would just remove him.


Personally I would contact him asking for a complete break down of the extra fees and then take that to MARA and complain.

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Yea sambo .... New MA means more money .... So u better complain to MARA and DIAC,.. U can go to immigration office and tell them ur problem. They will sort it out for you.


The immigration office are going to have no interest at all other than giving you the forms to remove the agent. Other than that, that is what MARA is for.

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thanks kk

going to c him on monday, let c what he says...if he s ready to nego than all good otherwise i been talking with few lawyers and they told me that i can complaint to mara but they advised to change the ma first ...will keep posted...





Yea sambo .... New MA means more money .... So u better complain to MARA and DIAC,.. U can go to immigration office and tell them ur problem. They will sort it out for you.
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Guest jacob88


Hi sam .... Urs caseofficer atleast asked for form 80 and u got nomination approval aswell.... But i heard nthing from him except that he is handling my case.
It is true. Is ur employer nominated yet and did Ur co ask u to send additional docs ? Kk
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Hi kk your nomination approved or not yet mine nomination approved on 16 April and visa application loged in 12 April 2012.They still working on 26 march files.

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