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whats pennington like?

Guest reddingj

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Guest reddingj

heard varying things about it. am maybe moving there in Jaunary 2011 and would like some information. cheers

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It's a bit industrial, but well located in terms of transport, being in reach of everything (City, Hills, Northern industrial areas and plenty of employment). There are some nice older style houses there, and it's on the edge of an area that is undergoing quite a lot of redevelopment, upgrading old housing association places etc. If you want trees and hills, it's probably not got those, but depends what you are looking for, what you are used to etc. I know people who live in both Rosewater and Cheltenham which are close by, and they like the area. It's also close to Alberton which is the home of the Port Adelaide Football Club (that's Aussie football...!) - not sure if that's a plus or a minus!

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Guest reddingj

thanks diane


i am possibly moving there in january with my wife and 2 young children for a year to do a teacher exchange, working at a school in norwood. from what i gather the primary schools for our girls are not good in pennington and the area is not particuarly great. from what i have read, it seems very multi cultural and 'less then desirable'. i just want to establish what we are letting ourselves in for if we do move!!! any further info you have would be great, thanks



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Can you get them into a school in Norwood as you're going to be working there? Norwood has some excellent schools, both state and private. I'll ask my friend in Cheltenham what she knows about schools in that area - are yours primary or senior school age?


As for multiculturalness, if you go onto the Australian Bureau of Statistics site you can look at various statistics of current population (well, in the 2006 census) by suburb - I think this might be the link for Pennington: 2006 Census Table : Pennington (State Suburb)

you can then download the figures in Excel format. Hours of fun!!


You don't really tend to get "ghetto" areas of Adelaide too much though - some suburbs do have higher than average percentage of a particular nationality (Italian, Greek, Polish, Vietnamese for instance) but generally it seems that people integrate well and consider themselves first and foremost "Australian"! Mostly, anyway.

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Guest sceadugenga

Pennington has a very high Vietnamese population. The migrant hostel was here when the suburb was called Finsbury and many found jobs in the area and stayed.

The local high school is Woodville High a large school with a wide range of subjects and has a respected music curriculum.

Pennington Primary School caters for younger students. It's no worse than most Adelaide schools and better than many.

The main shopping centre (Arndale) is only minutes away and the city is about 15 minutes by bus.

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