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I got it!!

Guest Tim

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1 Year, Four months later - I have my PR VISA!!!!


Its been an emotional rollercoaster, where now what to do!? :?



Yipee.... :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Ah time to write a list.


Soo much to do. We were always planning to go by september but never made any arrangements until we knew for sure.

Got to rent the house, sell the car, quit our jobs, sort out bills and the rest.

With moving like this, there is always something else to be done! Its a great relief and a great feeling knowing that we have now done all the hard work without having to fork out for an agent.

Time for a plan me thinks!

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Just to say congratulations, yeah what a feeling it is after all the waiting, I know kown what you mean its a long time coming, bet you have forgotten about all the stressing already, and hey its worth it.. :D:D

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Guest shelley

well done! we are still waiting for our visa know in about 2 weeks and i know how you feel about it being such a rollar coaster, people always mistake it as being like so easy and not at all hard and whats there to be stressed about your moving to the other side of the world you are lucky!! it really is so hard. enjoy it!

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Guest mark78

Congrats Tim, must be a huge relief.


It's a long time to wait, but I guess it makes it all that more exciting when it come through eh. :)

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