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pet parrot


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Hi is anyone in the same boat as me i have a 5 year old african grey parrot who is my best buddy unfortunately i have had to leave him with my parents in the UK as the Australian laws forebid any type of bird due to the bird flu problem. I have had a meeting with AQIS and have been told that its not a case of if but when that i will be allowed to take my bird over. Just thought i would start a thread to see if anyone has any new info or maybe even start a petition up for people in the same boat. It amazes me they let pigeons in but not a pet bird who has never been exposed to the open. Any thoughts would be greatly recieved thankyou spike

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Guest oggie1
Hi is anyone in the same boat as me i have a 5 year old african grey parrot who is my best buddy unfortunately i have had to leave him with my parents in the UK as the Australian laws forebid any type of bird due to the bird flu problem. I have had a meeting with AQIS and have been told that its not a case of if but when that i will be allowed to take my bird over. Just thought i would start a thread to see if anyone has any new info or maybe even start a petition up for people in the same boat. It amazes me they let pigeons in but not a pet bird who has never been exposed to the open. Any thoughts would be greatly recieved thankyou spike


I'll sign :hug:That is the thing I'm dreading leaving my CAG,she has been here with us for 5+years as well and it's going to hurt.Not only that we have a very old Boxer dog that we rescued,he keeps getting cancerous lumps and I'm not so sure he'd make it.

I also have a Harris hawk as my hobby is you've guessed it Hawking and falconry which is banned over there,I am hoping to get onto a rescue and rehabilitation course for raptors over there though.



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Hi chris i feel for you to, hopefully if we can generate enough interest from this thread we can help each other with this matter. I actually had an email from AQIS today regaurding taking pet birds and i am told this is on there priority and that they should have something in position in 12 months. I have also found out from AQIS that they have done all the tests and studies to prove that if an african grey were to escape into the Australian wildlife there wouldnt be any detrimental effects. So at the moment the only thing thats stopping the import of pet birds is the quarrentine procedures. I did make the point to them that pigeons are aloud in so why cant a pet bird. Anyway thanks for replying stay in touch cheers spike

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