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CanDig Miniature Excavators

Guest Nigel Butcher

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Guest Nigel Butcher

Hello all,


Are you looking for a profitable way to live the Australian Dream?


CanDig Miniature Excavators are opening a Manufacturing facility in Australia, we are searching for the right sort of people to run dealerships throughout Australia.


We have an outstanding product at an even more outstanding price.


Our excavators are priced between 7000 Euros and 9000 Euros brand new!


visit http://www.xe.com/ucc for conversion


I have pasted more information below, this is the type of information that we send our potential new customers. Have a look and I would appreciate any feed back that you may have. If you are interested in becoming a dealer in Austalia or anywhere else in the world I would be interested in hearing from you.


Thank you for your interest in CanDig Mini Excavators. My name is Nigel, and I want to help you to learn more about the best choice you can make in order to meet your personal digging needs.


First, in order to help you best, I hope that you will be able to tell me a little about your digging needs as well. For example:


How do you see yourself using a CanDig mini excavator?

How deep do you need to dig?

Is it for business or personal use?

Have you investigated costs of tracked excavators (new/used)?

What do you currently use to dig with?

What do you like most about your current digging tool?

What do you like least about your current digging tool?


Answers you provide for these questions (as well as other information that is important to you) will help me to ensure you are going to make the best choice possible.


For your convenience, I have copied/pasted some information about all CanDig products below (including investment amounts).I hope you choose to allow me to help you further. Please contact me if you have any further questions. I will be delighted to help you make the best choice so that you can have your new CanDig mini excavator working for you soon. I look forward to hearing from you.





Trenching Bucket

The CD11 comes with two buckets. The first is 12 inches wide and has a capacity of about 2 cubic feet. The second, trenching bucket is only 6 inches wide and is ideal for installing cables or sprinkler systems.

The CD21 also comes with two buckets. The first is 14 inches wide, and has a capacity of about 3 cubic feet. The second trenching bucket is 8 inches wide and is great for digging down 6 feet to install water lines.

Access Wheels

The CD11 has access wheels that pin onto the Mini Excavator in seconds, allowing it to become 31 inches wide. They are sturdy, 8 inch steel wheels which allow you to push the Mini Excavator by hand, or use the hydraulic power to move it through those tight spots. The CD21 has a similar set of access wheels that can pin on quickly to allow the Mini Excavator to become only 29 inches wide.


The thumb is standard equipment with both the CD11 and CD21. It is a mechanical thumb that can be pinned in a retracted position for storage, and will always be available for use by quickly and easily re-pinning it into its work position. With the thumb, you can easily pick up large rocks or logs and place them where needed.


The ripper is attached to the bottom of the trenching bucket, and allows CanDig to dig through frozen, or tough ground easier. With the ripper, you can dig in just about any ground condition.


Fenders are required for road travel when it is raining.

Travel Lights

Include signals, drive and brake lights, and are also required for highway travel.

Power Auger

Choose a 4 or 6 inch auger to work with any model.

Wood Splitter

Available with any model, this industrial sized tool easily quarters the most difficult firewood with its star shaped cutting blade.

The CD11T or CD21T converts your truck




Auger system…1995€ Wood splitter system…895€



To convert to other currencies, visit http://www.xe.com/ucc.


Things to consider:

Have you compared investment amounts of CanDig mini excavators with tracked excavators?

What are the operational costs of CanDig mini excavators compared with tracked excavators?

Have you considered the cost of a heavy-duty trailer and larger truck needed to haul a tracked excavator? No special permit or driver’s license category is required to haul CanDig. You are simply provided with a NVIS (New Vehicle Information Statement) which you use to insure your CanDig unit for road travel (much like a boat trailer). All excavators are CE approved.



Give your back a break! Get the CanDig model of your choice delivered to your home soon.



Remember that in order to help you best, I hope that you will be able to tell me a little about your digging needs as well.


What specific digging requirements do you have?

How deep do you need to dig?

Is it for business or personal use?

What do you currently use to dig with?

What do you like most about your current digging tool?

What do you like least about your current digging tool?


Answers you provide for these questions (as well as other information that is important to you) will help me to ensure you are going to make the best choice possible. Thanks again for your inquiry, and I hope that you will allow me to help you further to meet your specific excavation needs.



I apologise, the pictures are unable to be pasted to this site. please visit http://www.candig.com for more information.


Thank you for your time

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