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Hello and Update

Guest mandisfam

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Guest mandisfam

Hello folks, Its a big a while since Ive posted on here, so thought I best do an update on my situation.


Firstly, thank you to all of you who have posted messages to me on my visitors page. Sorry not responded but time is not something I have at the moment. Its nice to know that you have been been thinking of me.


Anyway, we have decided to put our plans for our move to oz on hold for now. The visa application is in and we do plan to continue with this and then if we can raise the money go out and validate our visa. We will then decided from that point on, when or if we will definatley move to oz. The main reason for this, is the fact our house has gone down in value and even though we could sell and now and make a small profit, it would no way be enough to start again in oz. So we have decided to wait until the housing market picks up again and take things from there.


To make up for this depressing thought of having to put our plans on hold, we have decided to do up the house to cheer ourselves up. Not only for us but in readiness for when we do sell in a couple of years time. We have also had a bit of spending spree and got some new sofas and new dining table and chairs too. Caught dh at weak moment to part with all that money.....lol


So this is why I do not find the time to keep in touch with some of you on here. In between painting walls, looking after the kids, orgianising my son's birthday and christmas, I just don't have the time at the moment.


To top it all ath the moment, dh has the flu and its proper flu (not the normal man type flu) he really has real flu, never seen him so poorly. So Im also running around after him and hoping I don't get it too.


Anyway, if I don't get time to come on before christmas, I wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Mary x :emoticon-signxmas:

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Hi Mary!


Nice to hear from you...!


Sorry to hear that you've had to put your plans on hold and that your husband is quite ill.


Hoping the decorating goes well and cheers you up... and that you can find the time to pop on every so often!


Lots of Luck with your visa application!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest juliemtaylor

Sorry to hear that, we have been trying to work, be sick and do up the house too! I know where you are coming from and we are still waiting for the ACS and hope to start the depressing house sale process in spring.


Good Luck and Happy Christmas.


Julie x

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Sorry to hear things are not going to well at the moment, i suppose it is nice to be able to splash out on new things for your house. I hope your O/H makes a speedy recovery, this flu has been really bad.

We are pretty much in the same boat with the housing situation, and i know we will struggle even to validate our visa for a family of 6, but trying to stay positive, apparantly more people are beginning to look at houses again, so lets keep our fingers crossed that they will start buying property again.

Have a good Christmas and all the best for the New Year

Tania X

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Guest paulacox

Hi Mary


Just to let you know we are in the same boat as you, we have just finished our diy jobs, hope the housing markjet picks up in the new year as we will have to go over to vaidate. It will cost us a family of 4 about 6,000 - 7,000 money that we do not have. Any one what to buy my HOUSE.



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