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Moving To Frankston !!!!

Guest lisa_b52

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Guest lisa_b52

Hi we are migrating to Melbourne in January and after much research have decided to locate to Frankston. We have two small children and would appreciate your opinions on our choice of location. Also are there any areas within Frankston that you would not recommend. Would love to hear from anyone else currently living there.



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Hi there!


I don't live there I'm afraid but hopefully someone on this site will!


Just wanted to welcome you to PomsinOz - it's a great site!!!


And of course, wish you Lots of Luck with all of your plans...!!!


Take care,


Dan xx :emoticon-signxmas:

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Hi, lisa

I also chose Frankston. I probably like you looked at the cost of living, transport to city, near the bay etc. I also had the luxury of visiting Frankston when I worked here. We also have horses and thought Frankston would be ideally located next to Mornington peninsula and Cranbourne where there are a lot of horse agistments. Frankston harbour and beach area has been redeveloped and is very nice, but if you look a bit deeper it's not the nicest area. The people thier are pretty friendly and there is a community spirit but Frankston has a lot of lower income families and as such there are a lot of run down houses and areas. It also has the largest single parent population in melbourne. Nothing wrong with that and I was brought up in a place like it but unless your from Frankston or know people there I would suggest there are better places to live. It depends on what you want or what's important. Schools, pubs, travel to city etc etc If you make a list of what are the most important things to you and what you are used to then you can make a decision. In the end I decided against Frankston and live farther down the coast and don't regret it. Hope this helps if you want any further opinion or information let me know


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Well there are the knockers of course about Frankston I have never understood why, it has a large Brig population and most long term residents of Frankston who I am in contact with woulld not live anywhere else.


Yes it does have its problems because its a transit city and people come in from the surrounding areas. I do not like people who tar all low income people as undesirable its not on its on a par with racism as far as I am concerned. There but for the grace of god go I.


My mother lived in Frankston for fifteen years from her mid seventies and she is 90 now and loved it made lots of friends her age and they all lived near the station she has now moved to be closer to us.


South Frankston is a very nice area and so is Ballam Park and you get lovely views of the harbour from houses in Ballam Park. Olivers Hill is a low class area I suppose costs you a million dollars for a house there. Marylands. There is a new bypass going in and it will pass below the Tahnee Lodge Estate which is a very nice estate with lovely homes but you would need to check for noise from the freeway if buying there. There is land going for sale and its a small subdivision as all of Frankston is built up now but in a good area of South Frankston.


Neil Street, Violet Street and adjacent streets are lovely areas to live and you can walk down to the beach from them.


Most of the derogatory comments about the area come from people who have heard from other people who have never lived there.


Langwarrin is very nice area with lots of nice houses and its leafy. Large blocks and small blocks of land. Its in the city of Frankston


Areas to avoid would be the Pines and North Frankston, some parts of Karingal but the rest of it is fine. Some parts of Seaford to are a bit ordinary but ordinary places are very apparent when you are looking around.


I live not far from Frankston and visit all the time and have done for over thirty years and nothing has happened to my family.


Have a look at Realestate.com.au and you will see that there are many lovely houses for sale in Frankston Langwarrin and Frankston South.


At least Frankston you have the train to the city, the hospital, one of the best high schools in the State, Monash University, TAFE college, plenty of sporting clubs and things to do, lots of nice restaurants. Close to the Mornington Peninsula for leasure and it cannot be built out as its already built up and the sea is on the other side. Close to the Eastlink freeway, Frankston Freeway etc. I went from my home in Somerville to the Monash Medical Centre last week by car in 35 minutes. Its quite a long distance too.



Good luck.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Lisa

Welcome to PIO. I think Frankston is a place to come and look around yourself. I have witnessed violence in the shopping centre at 10am of a morning, and some clients of ours witnessed a serious event a few weeks ago with 30 armed police surrounding a gentleman in the street and this has been something which has made them choose never to visit Frankston again. Frankston North is not a good area and the Pines Estate. There are million dollar properties in Frankston South and we have a couple of friends who live on Somme Avenue, their views are to die for overlooking the bay. Personally, would I spend my money buying a house there then the answer would be probably not, but please note this is MY personal view. You may love it!!!. Frankston South High School has a very good reputation and is a zoned school.

I agree with Petal that Langwarrin is a very nice area and may be worth considering.

The best thing to do is have a look around when you arrive and see what areas you think are best for you. Good luck with your move, have a safe journey over and enjoy your last Christmas in the UK.

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Guest lisa_b52

Thank you everyone for your opinions it is much appreciated. We thought Frankston had everthing that we needed as a family i.e. good schools, beach, entertainment, train to Melbourne. As you say we can only see for ourselves and we will probably decided on an area just outside of Frankston. Let me know if you have any further thoughts!! Cheers.......... and Merry Christmas.

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