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457 activation

Guest StainesGeordie

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Guest StainesGeordie

Hi all,

Had our confirmation of our 457 for 3 weeks now and justtrying to sell the house. How long have we got to enter Oz, or activate the visa?


Many thanks......



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Guest barnsleydave

I went in to the Immigration dept in Brisbane to ask the same thing as I am here without the family and needed to know if they had to come over to validate. The amswer I was given was that you can enter anytime within the 4 year period, but your 4 years starts from the day it was approved therefore the longer you leave it the less time over here you have.

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Guest sheena

hiya, dont want to confuse things, but.... you have 12 months from when the meds/police checks were done which ever came first, but... if the main visa holder is already here, the rest of the family have up to 4 years to get here!

hope that makes sence to you?


sheena :wubclub:

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Guest The Stevenses
I went in to the Immigration dept in Brisbane to ask the same thing as I am here without the family and needed to know if they had to come over to validate. The amswer I was given was that you can enter anytime within the 4 year period, but your 4 years starts from the day it was approved therefore the longer you leave it the less time over here you have.



Our 457 visa actually starts from the date the application was lodged, so 6 weeks before we actually got it and two weeks before we left the UK. So in effect we have 3 years and 10 months here!!



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