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Registered Nurse considering returning to the UK


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4 hours ago, LesleyJ said:


I studied my nursing degree here in Perth WA and now thinking about returning to the UK to live. Just wondered if anybody knew if I could get a transfer into a nursing position in the UK and if so who to contact.


Are you qualified? What field? I'm sure you'd find a job. Contact different trusts to see if they're hiring. Use the job search websites (seek equivalent)

Pre covid UK trusts were doing recruitment campaigns here but that all stopped, not sure if that means they are still looking or not. 


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I believe you can, as a nurse. Not a midwife though. Australian qualified midwives are expected to do more learning in the UK before they can register. However nurses dont. I have worked with a few Australian dual qualified nurse/midwives who went to England but could only practice as nurses. You will need to gather and provide evidence to the NMC (registering body) of your education, such as transcripts from your course proving the modules you learned, hours youve worked etc. I had to do this here in Aus (qualified in UK) and it took 6 months to get registered, so get started asap 🙂  Once you are registered, you'll get a job quick smart I would imagine. 

Edited by Amzlou84
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