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Looking for some advise...

So i'm coming close to the end of my 3 year stint sponsored on a 457 as a bricklayer. I have just switched visa agents who has advised me I'll need to obtain a bricklayer licence and have my skills assessed be eligable for my PR application through a ENS186TRT....I have read online it is a requirement, obviously my old visa agent was incompetent as this was not the advise i was given. So...


What is the difference between a RPL to get a bricklayer licence and the Skills assessment through VETASSESS/MIBT including a technical assessment? Which route is faster and easier? 

I have already completed Foundation Level 1 & Intermediate Level 2 in bricklaying together with a B-tec in construction back in England. The quals need to be transferred into CPC30111 in order for me to get the ozzi licence. 


Has anybody been through either process? 


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4 hours ago, Diane Dennison said:


In general, you don't need a skills assessment if you are applying via the transition stream (i.e. been sponsored on a 457 with the same employer for the required period).

If you would like further assistance, let me know.  I am a Registered Migration Agent.



Hi Diane Welcome to PIO. May i ask you add a signature to your posts please with your agent details listed,as per the site rules.

- Signatures are a great way of promoting your online business and we encourage their use on the board and within profiles. However, please keep signatures to a maximum of two lines, do not include large images, large text or banners. The only exception to the two line rule is for migration agents who are permitted three lines, due to the requirement to display their Migration Agent Registration Number. One external link to a business website is allowed.


    Cal x

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1 hour ago, Diane Dennison said:


Gladly.  How do I do that?  Do I have to type it in the message each time or can I set up a signature block?  I asked the question but nobody responded.




If you set it up via your profile it will save you typing it out every time.

 Cal x

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