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Form 40SP Form vs Online


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Hi all - I've applied for an Offshore Australian Partner Visa (309/100) from the UK and I had a question about the 40SP Form due to some of the comments I've read on this forum which have left me a bit confused. 

We've uploaded everything we possibly can (joint statutory declarations which are signed by both of us, pictures, cards, invites, financials, tenancy agreements etc etc) and completed the Police Checks/Medical back in July with the hope of hitting the 17 month rather than 25 month wait time but after reading some comments here I'm worried we still have a bit more work to do! We've completed the 40SP form and uploaded to my application as well as uploading documents for my partner (who is Australian) like Birth Certificate, Australian and UK police Certificates etc to the upload section in my application with her name on it. But I've read that she may also need to create her own Immi account to create a sponsorship application which references my application? Does this need to be a separate immi account or can mine be used to create a sponsorship application (I've found the type under the family section). It really wasn't clear from what I've read that this was needed. 

Any advice would be appreciated!

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7 hours ago, paulhand said:

You can use the same account.

Hi Paul, thanks for the reply. We were planning to do this tonight, but have been completely blindsided by having my Visa Granted today! Cannot believe it..I’ll post in the timeline forum, but applied end of March 2020 and granted today. 

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