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Offshore Partner Visa 309 Document list for a Pakistani


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Hi all,

I have recently got married and planning to apply for the visa 309 for my partner. I am based in Australia and living here for over about 5 years now with a full-time job. 

I am very confused with list of documents required for her application. 

I did find a document on Pakistan high comission website: https://pakistan.highcommission.gov.au/files/islm/120822-pg9-partner.pdf

Can someone please tell me if this is still relevant please?

few more questions please?

  • What is a Penal Certificate, is it same as Police Clearance Certificate and do I need to get one for her?
  • Does she need to complete form 80, 40SP and 47SP?
  • Our marriage was arranged, beside pictures, cards what else evidence can I provide to prove out relationship?


When creating an application on homeaffairs website, I got following two options:


Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300,309/100,820/801)Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300,309/100,820/801)

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I am sorry I don't know how to edit the post, I wasn't finished writing and accidentally posted it.


When creating an application on homeaffairs website, I got following two options, which one to choose:


  • Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300,309/100,820/801)
  • Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300,309/100,820/801)
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On 21/01/2020 at 20:31, pakexpat31 said:

Hi all,

I have recently got married and planning to apply for the visa 309 for my partner. I am based in Australia and living here for over about 5 years now with a full-time job. 

I am very confused with list of documents required for her application. 

I did find a document on Pakistan high comission website: https://pakistan.highcommission.gov.au/files/islm/120822-pg9-partner.pdf

Can someone please tell me if this is still relevant please?

few more questions please?

  • What is a Penal Certificate, is it same as Police Clearance Certificate and do I need to get one for her?
  • Does she need to complete form 80, 40SP and 47SP?
  • Our marriage was arranged, beside pictures, cards what else evidence can I provide to prove out relationship?


When creating an application on homeaffairs website, I got following two options:


Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300,309/100,820/801)Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300,309/100,820/801)

What evidence do you have so far ? Do you have joint bank account , wills, insurance such as car insurance, joint lease or home ownership . Conversation history 

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On 24/01/2020 at 16:51, Milloo said:

What evidence do you have so far ? Do you have joint bank account , wills, insurance such as car insurance, joint lease or home ownership . Conversation history 

We recently got married so we have,


  • Conversation history
  • Her Passport and National ID card has my name (husband) name on it.
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Hi Everyone. 
I have just recently come back from Pakistan and had my Nikkah done in Jan 2020. My story is as follows I am an Australian citizen and husband is from Pakistan. What evidence do I need to provide to apply for 309 Visa?. 

Some notes to take. 

- We just had our Nikkah done, so no live in relationship this was decided due as I had to join back at work. 

- Nikkah was small event at home. 
- It was a arranged marriage (we are cousins so we knew a bit of each other from before) , have some photos with each other in groups. 
- we couldn’t open a bank account together me being a foreign citizen in Pakistan. 
- Do you think it’s appropriate to apply straight away like within the next month? 
- when writing our story should we mention that we have family terms from the beginning? 

Sorry for all the questions! Just so much to take in at the moment. 

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