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Prospective marriage visa while re-entry ban


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Hi guys,

Four years ago I started relationships with a girl from Taiwan. We lived in a share house for about one year. We had a couple of trips around Australia. At the end of her second working holiday visa we decided to go to Melbourne for two weeks. She was supposed to take a fly back home right from the airport in Melbourne. At the airport it appeared that she had overstayed her visa by a little more than one month. She got banned from Australia for three years. The border control officer didn’t give her any paperwork explaining validity and conditions of the ban. At the moment it has been close to three years since she left (will be in September)

Also I visited her and her family in Taiwan a few months ago. Before the fly I applied for a bridging visa B cause I was still on working visa 457 and was waiting for my permanent visa to be finalised.   In my application for BVB I indicated that the reason of the trip was visiting partner. Plus, I attached her invitation latter which I used to apply for a tourist visa to Taiwan. I got my permanent visa finalised right in the middle of that trip and returned to Australia being a permanent resident.  

Now we are trying to  bring her back to Australia. All this time we have been in a genuine relationship. Just we have not much documented evidence except joint photographs, statutory declarations, Facebook, some history on messaging platforms. So we’ve decided that she could apply for the Prospective Marriage visa to simplify the process. But the problem is there is no clear information whether she could apply for the visa on the department website and in the internet.

From your knowledge guys what would be the possible way out of this situation? Or, maybe, are there any ways to request this information from the government bodies? I’ve tried to call and email the department so far but they just simply refuse to answer complex questions such as this one.

Thank you in advance


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I don't think you will get a meaningful answer to a complex situation like this on a forum. I would suggest that you have a consultation with a registered migration agent to go through all the details of your specific situation and formulate the best strategy.

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