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Certifying AHPRA documents


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So I've been sending out inquiries to find out how much it'll cost to certify my documents for my AHPRA application (around 25 A4 documents), and the cheapest that's come back is £240!!

This is using a notary public, will a justice of peace at the courts be any cheaper?

I'm in London, so if anyone knows of someone cheaper I'd be very grateful!

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Just to let people in the London area know, I spoke to a really nice guy called Richard at Kingston-upon-Thames county court, who did my document certification FREE OF CHARGE!

I spoke to him on the phone and made an appointment to see him. I took my full application with copies of all the originals (around 25 or so certificates and references etc) and because it was quite a lot, he said it would be best to leave it with him and pick them up that afternoon or the next day.

I've just been in to collect them and sure enough, the legend has done it all and he didn't ask for a penny.

Don't pay for a notary public, speak to someone at a county court (the magistrates courts usually charge around £60 a signature!) and get a justice of peace to do it ;)

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