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Spouse Visa for retiree


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I'm going to apply for a Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300,309/100,820/801). My husband of 35 years is an Australian citizen by birth. 

We want to purchase a property but my concern is I have retired and don't intend to work. Will that be held against me? I'm currently fit and well but wonder if they will be reluctant to allow me access to Medicare. 


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If you are married then its the spouse visa you are looking at. 

If you are outside of Australia then its the 309/100 and if you lodge onshore in Australia it would be there  820/801. 

I strongly suggest if you have time to apply off shore as this will ensure you gain PR from the off and would make things much easier all round. 

As to if you can purchase a property, much will depend on your financial situation, if you have funds to put towards it and if your husband is still working and some other things also probably. Access to Medicare should be ok once you have the visa granted and are resident in Australia. I'm on a PR partner visa and signed up for it within a few days of arriving. 

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