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Forum News - October

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A recap of forums news / changes from this month in case you've missed them.



350x.jpgAustralia Visa Timelines Tracker


If you’re applying (or about to apply) for an Australian visa, you want to know how long it’s going to take to be granted.
This is understandable, as you’re eager to start your new life in Australia. Having such information will also allow you to get on with other crucial steps in the immigration process.
This can include knowing when to put your house up for sale – too early and you may have to move into temporary rental accommodation if your house sells and your visa hasn’t been granted.
 Conversely, if you delay putting your house up for sale, you may end up with your visa being granted and not being able to move as your house hasn’t sold and your equity is tied up in the property.
 Other things to consider are knowing when to organise international removals – shipping your goods to Australia takes several weeks.
 Knowing when to start job hunting, arranging for your children to finish school etc.
 As you can see, being able to accurately predict when your visa will be granted is very important.
 With this in mind and following feedback from our members, we're happy to announce that our Australian Visa Timelines Immigration Tracker is now live at:

 The tracker allows you to enter key dates about your visa application and compare them in tabular format with other applicants around the globe.
 You can look at who’s applied for the same visa as you, the same dates as you, from the same country, occupation etc.
 This will allow you obtain greater insight into the likely time is will take for your visa to be granted.



Quickly unsubscribe from all followed content

We've recently added an option so that you can unsubscribe yourself from all followed content with one click - as shown in the screenshot below ('Remove from All Content')




Pomsinoz visitor numbers

Following the move to a new software platform earlier this year - and the initial impact it had on our SERP's, visitor numbers are on an upwards trajectory. There's still a long way to go, but we're working hard behind the scenes to continue growing our community and maintaining its status as one of the pre-eminent  sources of information for people moving to and living in Australia.    








shutterstock_300.pngRead members real life migration stories in our articles section

We've recently added a new section to our Articles area. Moving to Australia Real Life Stories

I'd like to thank the members who have shared their migration stories with us and we'll be adding more stories as the weeks go by. 

If any members would like their stories published, we're happy to publish them using pseudonyms if requested.




Christmas is coming to www.pomsinoz.com


From the 01st December, forum members will be able to choose a Christmas theme. At the bottom of the page, there will be a dropdown option labeled 'Theme' where you can select the theme shown above.

 Also, we'll be running a Christmas themed quiz at some point in December, with prizes available. We're currently in the process of creating the quiz so keep an eye out for it next month.

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